Deserving or eligible?

Mercy received declares judgment removed!

I deserved nothing, I was deeply in debt and I had nothing.  But now I am eligible for everything.  How come?  Through the precious shed Blood of Jesus and His atoning death on my behalf, my debt was fully paid and the highest court in the universe has declared me “JUSTIFIED.”  Through personal faith and total trust in Jesus (Acts 4:12) Who is the only Source, neither is there salvation in anyone else or in any other way.  Without the shedding of Blood (Hebrews 9:22) there is no forgiveness of sin.  Through the precious cleansing Blood of Jesus, I received forgiveness of all my sin, eternal life which is the very life of God and assurance of a home and (Ephesians 2:19, Philippians 3:20) citizenship in heaven and I have complete confidence in God’s wisdom, power and goodness.

When the Evening Star gives way to the Morning Star, the remembered wisdom and beauty of the night-sky finds an echo in the golden promise of a new day.  Still deserving nothing but now eligible, I have come from spiritual poverty to spiritual riches because I am (2  Corinthians 5:17) a new creation in Christ Jesus.  Arching over and looming between DESERVING and ELIGIBLE is the Cross of Calvary.  The life that Jesus lived qualified Him for the death that He died and the death that He died qualifies me for the life that He lived.  I know the glorious wonder of God’s unfailing Presence, the safety and security of his Almighty Sovereignty and the priceless preciousness of an intimate relationship with Him.  As Jesus, Who is (Colossians 3:4) my Life, lives His Life in me, I am highly privileged while on earth to have been granted responsibility in the kingdom of God.  My responsibility is to honour the Father, exalt the Lord Jesus, to be continually filled, taught and guided by the Holy Spirit and to be enriched daily by the priceless jewels from the bottomless treasure chest, which is my Bible.

My riches are more than I can number but they include that I have (Romans 5:1) peace with God, because (Jeremiah 29:11) of God’s thoughts and plans for me, that all my needs will be supplied (Philippians 4:19) by God’s limitless riches in Christ Jesus, I have (1 Peter 1:6-7) trials that will strengthen and purify my faith.  I have (Hebrews 5:14) nourishing solid food from God’s Word and the Holy Spirit gives me (2 Timothy 2:7) insight and understanding.  He teaches my mind, controls my emotions, directs my will and governs my behaviour.  Plus, all this and more, I have (1 Peter 1:4) an inheritance in heaven.  As long as the Lord spares me on earth I want to (2 Corinthians 5:17) fulfill my kingdom responsibilities.  This is the Reality that makes my life worthwhile.

JESUS – from Bethlehem to Calvary, to His victorious Resurrection, to His Ascension, to the Rapture of His Church, to His Second Coming and to His Eternal Kingdom.  This will be the plan of God fulfilled and every part of it (Revelation 22:4-5) has crucial significance in my inheritance.

I will always be undeserving but I am made eligible, made worthy by the precious, priceless Blood of Jesus.  This mystery (1 Timothy 3:16) of godliness for me is the life that is hidden (Colossians 3:3) with Christ in God so that the life of the Son of God is (2 Corinthians 4:10) manifested in me.  From an old hymn – “Before the hills in order stood or earth received its frame, from everlasting Thou are God, (Malachi 3:6) through endless years the same.” What about you?  Have you truly been made eligible?  I’m not talking about what you know.  Many people know the historical truth about the death and resurrection of Jesus and give mental assent to these facts of history.  But knowing history, head knowledge will never be an entry-pass to heaven.  You may know about Billy Graham, Martin Luther and Lord Simcoe but your knowledge does not give you a personal relationship with them.  To receive Eternal Life and a guarantee of citizenship in heaven, you must recognize yourself as a helpless sinner with no hope of saving yourself.  You must acknowledge that the virgin-born Son of God was clothed with humanity in order to die in payment for your sin.  Knowing that will not save you.  You must come from mere knowing to confess your sin to God and with full faith in His offer of grace and full surrender to Him.  Ask Him to forgive your sins, give you Eternal Life and take over your life completely.  God is the Giver of salvation to everyone who makes the free-will choice to receive God’s free gift.  Every person who receives the Lord Jesus as their personal saviour is sealed forever by the Holy Spirit. That person can never lose his salvation.  To reject Jesus is to choose unending torment in the Lake of Fire.  Mercy rejected becomes judgment received.  It is impossible for anyone in their fallen humanity, which they inherited from Adam, to exist in heaven.  If you do not share the Life of God, you cannot enter the home of God.  We can learn from Pharaoh.  Pharaoh hardened his heart against God’s Word so often that finally (Exodus 10:27) the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart.  The door of mercy was closed forever and there would never again be opportunity for Pharaoh to change his mind and obey what God said.  A person who continually rejects Jesus will eventually himself be rejected by God.  No matter how desperately he longs to receive (Hebrews 12:17) Jesus as his Saviour, he cannot do so.  The door of God’s mercy is closed to him forever.  God’s Spirit (Genesis 6:3) will not always strive with man.

Foolish arrogant pride is the deceitful dangerous child of Satan and the wicked mother of disaster – so – mercy rejected becomes judgment received.  All the riches of all the world cannot ever compare with the unfathomable supreme wealth of having God’s Word never-ending personal, intimate relationship with Jesus.  We can learn from Eve (Genesis 3:4) that Satan will gladly give you temporary happiness in order to rob you and steal from you your eternal joy.

Remember – Mercy rejected becomes judgment received – BUT – Mercy received declares judgment removed.

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