Did the alarm wake you, or are you still asleep?

All these should alert us to the fact that the Rapture of the Church is fast approaching. 

Christian, do you know what time it is (Luke 12:56) or are you for just a little folding of the hands (Proverbs 6:10) for more sleep?  As our world gets darker, violence increases, good is called evil and evil is called good.   Many church leaders have departed from the TRUTH - - alarm clocks are shrill all over the world.   Listen – hear God’s wake-up warnings in destruction, devastation, landslides, fires, floods, plagues, COVID-19 and who can tally the misery?  All these should alert us to the fact that the Rapture of the Church is fast approaching.  Will we be ashamed (1 John 2:28) at Christ’s coming?

Questions invade my mind and force me to evaluate my life and priorities.  I wrote previously about being safe in the Father’s house with Jesus.  But is Jesus safe there with me?  Does God’s reputation suffer in my hands because of what I say when things don’t go the way I want them to go?   Does Jesus have my full co-operation as He is on the Father’s business in the Father’s house in me?

Will I forsake Him like Demas (2 Timothy 4:10) because of love for the things of the world?  How could I miss that in His Presence is fullness of joy and (Psalms 16:11) at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore?

Will I betray Him like Judas (Luke 22:4) for my equivalent of 30 pieces of silver?

Will I deny Him like Peter (Luke 22:55-57) because of the opinion of other people?

Will I desert Him and run away like the other disciples (Matthew 26:56) if things begin to get dangerous?

Does the mind of Christ govern my thoughts, words, deeds, attitude through the power of the Holy Spirit or do I have my own agenda?

Does my attitude (Luke 10:25-37) tell lies or truth about Jesus?  Jesus was (Matthew 9:36) moved with compassion.

What does loving my neighbour mean for me?

It means that what my eyes see and my ears hear connects with my heart and mind.  This engages my hands, feet and resources which, I then use to help meet the need.  Anyone God brings across my path who has a need is my neighbour.

I am sure you remember the consternation caused by Y2K and the world-wide concern that computers would not accept the roll-over of the numbers for the change of the century.  Now picture the panic left behind when every believer on earth is raptured.  There will be many missed deadlines, much research, many projects and planning left unfinished on a global scale.  Plus the sudden, shocking disappearance of airline pilots in flight, sea captains mid-ocean and thousands of drivers on extremely busy highways everywhere and who could tally the misery?  That will not affect us but let us determine now that we will miss no opportunity to spread the Gospel one-on-one and to the world - - and that we will not leave unfinished any obedience God has required of us.  And so much more (Colossians 3:4) as we see that Day approaching.

The last words Jesus said before leaving earth were not that we would be well-liked and popular, rich, comfortable, successful but (Acts 1:8) that we would be His witnesses.  Do we realize that this is the priority reason for us being on Planet Earth – for such a time as this. This very time is the time on God’s clock for us to have our heads straight and our hearts in tune with Him.  (Has your spiritual watch stopped?)  God’s alarm clocks are sounding a wakeup call to Christians so that we will testify in these troubling times that the alarm clocks signal God’s loving offer of mercy, grace and salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ plus a grim warning of coming judgment.

Remember – we cannot have God’s peace (Philippians 4:6-7) unless God has our obedience.

Do I have a burning heart of love for Jesus that will make me intensely, fiercely loyal to Him no matter what?

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