All the Words of Holy Scripture contain messages for me.
Words – words – tons of words. We can get so weary of frivolous, meaningless, empty words that do nothing to improve the silence. Yet words are essential to us for information, learning, direction, actually for all of life. We need discernment to select the words that will benefit us. Come with me on a treasure hunt for the profitable messages in words that we discover in God’s Word.
Moses said (Exodus 4:10) I can’t speak. God said (Exodus 4:11-12) Who created your mouth? You go and I will teach you what I want you to say. Message – I am commanded to be a witness for the Lord Jesus, the God Who made my mouth, will create the words He wants spoken through that mouth. - - - Jeremiah said (Jeremiah 1:6) I can’t speak because I’m too young. God said (Jeremiah 1:9) I have made you to be a prophet. Message – The Lord Who created me will equip me to fulfill the purpose for which He created me - - - Abraham believed God’s covenant (Genesis 17:6-7) the promise for his future which was all tied up in Isaac. God said (Genesis 22:2) kill Isaac. Message – I must put to death in my life anything in my life which is or could become an idol. Everything must be completely surrendered to God and nothing allowed to usurp His rightful place. - - - Nebuchadnezzar said (Daniel 2:2) Tell me my dream and explain it to me. Daniel said (Daniel 2:22) It is impossible for any human because only the one true God can unlock mysteries and reveal secrets. Message – I must never trust my ill-informed common sense to make the best decisions for me because my Omniscient, heavenly Father knows the end (Isaiah 46:10) from the beginning - - God said to Jonah (Jonah 1:2) go to Nineveh. Jonah immediately made plans (Jonah 1:3) to go to Tarshish. Message – My disobedience can never change God`s plans but it can be very costly to me.
Racial prejudice is a dangerous sin against the Creator of every individual of every race. He is the God Who made of one blood (Acts 17:25-26) all nations of the world. - - the Pharisees mockingly asked (John 8:19) where is this father of yours? Jesus accurately declared (John N.8:44) you are of your father the devil. Message – Do all my words and actions reflect my heavenly Father and declare that I’m part of the family of God? Is there a strong, undeniable family likeness? - - - John Mark was (Acts 13:13) not dependable. In fact, he was a drop-out quitter. When the going got tough he ran home. BUT – Mark became (2 Timothy 4:11) very helpful for the ministry. Message – I can’t turn back the universe and retrieve my yesterdays, I can’t turn back the hands of time and do better those things I now regret. But because of the cleansing Blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, my past need not spoil my present and future. I can (Philippians 3:14) forget all that is behind and press forward to all that God has for me in Christ Jesus. A doctor said to a Christian – you have a terminal disease and very little time to live. God said to that Christian – you have the immortality of eternal life and your earth visa (Psalms 139:16) will not expire until you have fulfilled (Acts 13:36) God’s purpose for your generation. Message – Being secure in our Refuge (Deuteronomy 33:27) the loving arms of the eternal God, the God Who (Isaiah 43:12) declares the future, we need never fear anything or anyone at any time. - - - The seminary students said (2 Kings 4:40-41) there is death in the pot. Then Elisha put a handful of flour into the pot. (Dr, Yossef) “Jesus is the (John 12:24) corn of wheat and He rose from the dead to be the FLOUR which destroyed death.” Message – Anything and everything that does not have its source in God is a big pot of poison - - - Pilate said (John 19:10) I have the power to kill or release you. Jesus stated (John 19:11) you have no power at all unless it is given to you from above. Message – Jesus recognized God’s Sovereignty as well as everything that happened in His life as coming to Him directly from the Father’s hand. This is the explicit pattern for me and it will eliminate all frustration.
Definitely there are messages for me in these words. All the Words of Holy Scripture contain messages for me. If you have enjoyed our brief treasure hunt, we have barely scratched the surface.
Just these few examples have formed (Psalms 37:4) a God-given desire within me to listen for the Holy Spirit’s messages as I read my Bible. Every desire that God gives, He will abundantly satisfy.
God never has to leave anything unfinished or undone because He is so busy with something else. God never overlooks, neglects or forgets some of us because of His great love for others of us. His all-encompassing love is rich, lavish, indescribable, unconditional and unending for each and every individual one of His Blood-bought children. I have 2 supreme desires - first for the supreme Lordship of Jesus in my life and for supreme love and loyalty for Jesus in my heart. I agree with (Dr. Stanley) that “the most important thing in our lives is a deep, personal, loving, intimate relationship with the Lord.” Such an ever-growing relationship is beyond price or measure or calculation. A little song happened in my head and so I’m singing: (Galatians 1:15-16).
Keep my love for Jesus burning,
Seal my heart from ever turning,
Loyal to Him through all my days,
A faithful witness by all my ways.
So whatever I do and wherever I be
Jesus will be seen
By all who see me.