Does eternity frighten you, puzzle you, unsettle you or encourage you?

Christmas and Easter together spell –J E S U S!

I was just starting to pray for the Persecuted Church when this question invaded my thoughts.  What is eternity (Isaiah 57:15) which God inhabits?  Are you intrigued by eternity?  Is it a vast area created by God?  Is it a name for the high and holy place where God has established His throne?   Is it a word to describe a period from before time to the end of no ending of the never ending?  Is it an envelope which encloses time?  Is it the mother of time if it gave birth to time?  Of course, my Information Source is my Bible and my Teacher is the Holy Spirit.  So, I asked Him and listened carefully to His answers.

The word eternal/eternity means everlasting.  I know that my safety is equal to God’s eternal Sovereignty because whatever comes in my life, I am (Deuteronomy 33:27) sheltered safe and secure in the loving arms of my beloved heavenly Father.  The eternal God is my Refuge.  I have no fear of the future because I know that (1 Timothy 1:17) Jesus is the King of eternity, which is a declaration and proof that Jesus is GOD.  Because Jesus is eternity’s King, we know that eternity is good.  But there are 2 sides to this incalculable coin which is called Eternity.  It is beyond my ability to comprehend all the ramifications of eternity, but I know enough to realize the awesome supreme authority of Jesus.  Eternity is a magnificent, royal, joy-filled habitation for all those, and only for those, who have come to the Cross and repented of their sins and received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour through His precious shed Blood and atoning death.  We will enjoy forever the total perfection of full vibrant humanity in our glorified bodies.

Now the other side of the coin.  Eternity is a lonely habitation of darkness, unending torment and death.  Eternal death is not the end of feeling and memory, which will never end.  It is the death of everything desirable, hope, light, comfort, friendship, rest, improved future and the loss of every vestige of humanity.  In eternity only relentless memory and burning torment will exist.  They will remember every time they mocked when a Christian spoke to them about Jesus.  In the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15) they will remember their arrogant pride which deceived them into thinking they were good enough and had no need of Jesus and His salvation.  Our ticket to enter the eternal habitation is our own personal choice to receive or reject Jesus.

Those in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15) will remember how they disdained every opportunity to repent as sure as night follows day, every scorned chance to repent will be substantiated with hopeless never-ending remorse. They have only themselves to blame.  The fool has said in his heart (Psalms 14:1) There is no God!  Any peace that is not the peace Jesus gives (Matthew 10:34) is on Death Row awaiting execution.  True lasting peace is based on relationship with Jesus. (Gideon Levatam) “Sow a thought - reap an action, sow an action – reap a deed, sow a deed, – reap a habit, sow a habit – reap a character, sow a character. – reap a destiny.”

As we consider all the horrors that Jesus Christ has saved us from and which the unsaved are facing, How shall we escape (Hebrews 2-3) if we neglect such great salvation?  Not only neglect by personal refusal but for Christians, neglect by failing to make the good news of the Gospel known to the unsaved who are all around us.  We are here on earth to be involved in (Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8) God’s redemptive plan and we will be judged (2 Corinthians 5:10) if we neglect our responsibility which promises accountability.

As we accept everything that comes into our lives and God’s will for us, remember that the narrow road has hardships and trials that are working together toward the goal to benefit ourselves and others.  Wine demands crushed grapes and perfume demands crushed flowers.  We know the One True God (Colossians 2:9) and that (Dr. Swindoll) “The Father plans, the Son implements, and the Holy Spirit empowers.”

God loved so much and gave so much, Jesus paid so much - - not willing (2 Peter 3:9) that any should perish and Jesus continues (Hebrews 7:25) to pray for us who belong to Him.  Remember when you are praying to Him that He is praying for you.  Make it as personal a reality as it truly is.

Christmas trees should remind us that the One True Christmas Tree is the Cross of Calvary.  Without that Christmas Tree there could be no Easter.  The effect of what was accomplished on that Tree in your life and mine and only that will reveal and express in your life and mine the Resurrection Victory of Easter.  Christmas and Easter cannot be separated because together they spell –J E S U S!

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