Wesley said it right – - ‘Tis mystery all - The IMMORTAL dies!
The anguish of the isolated black hole of loneliness – the agonizing abyss of desertion and abandonment – the horrific crushing, suffocating weight of sin – the torture perfected to cause maximum deadly killing pain - - - all were necessary to pay the incalculable cost for my atonement
Why does (Philippians 2:7) say that Jesus emptied Himself – stripped Himself? Did He stop being God? No – never! He retained every attribute of His Deity – BUT – He accepted all the limitations of humanity. Why does (Philippians 2:.8) not end at death but adds – even the death of a cross? It is not THE cross but A cross. It had been used many times before and would be again for future executions. The emphasis is not on the article THE but on CROSS. I learned some things about a cross from listening to Christian radio.
“In polite Roman society the word “cross” was never used. It was considered an obscenity.
The Centre pole was permanently in the ground. It was fourteen feet high and weighed 400/500 pounds. The cross beam was eight feet and weighed about 200 pounds. The cross beam was strapped to the upright pole so that it could be removed for the next criminal to carry to his death.”
We have often seen gold crosses, some with jewels, around the necks of various persons. Jewellery which is even admired by some people. We have seen shiny highly-varnished crosses, some decorated, adorning the walls of church buildings. Don’t let your heart become callous because of these phony versions. They have no relation or similarity to the old – rugged – rough – shameful cross where the Lamb of God was crucified. Of course, we don’t worship the cross but it is a vivid reminder of the ONE we do worship and why we do.
The rough ugly cross was a symbol of horror and shame. Added brutalities were lavished on Jesus. After the scourging Jesus’ back was torn and bleeding with strips of flesh hanging. Then that torn bleeding back was pressed into the rough timber of the centre pole. Having to push Himself up to take a breath, His flayed back would become more and more lacerated. Then the Holy One of God was made sin with a crushing weight beyond human calculation or understanding.
Can you hear His scream – My God, My God – why have You forsaken Me? What was the Father’s response to the horror-filled anguish of His Son? TOTAL ABANDONMENT!
There had never been anguish like this before and never would be again. Our precious Saviour suffered the full blast of the terrible fury of the Holy Sovereign God’s wrath, hatred and vengeance against sin. Almighty Holy Spirit, patient loving Teacher, I need You – I need You – I need You. Please give me increasing wisdom, knowledge, insight and understanding into the deep things of God.
We need to take time here with the Holy Spirit and trust Him to take us deeper – deeper. Do we forget what our salvation cost? Can we partake of communion elements and not remember? Do this (Luke 22:19) in remembrance of ME.
I look back at (Philippians 2:7) and see that He came as a servant. He came not to be served (Matthew 20:28) but to serve. Who is this ONE Who came to serve? Of all the verses that jump into my mind, consider just these 3:
John 1:3 – All things were made by Him
John 8:58 – Before Abraham was, I AM
Ephesians 1:11 – He works all things after the counsel of His own will
Now – tell me – how can I reconcile this magnificent supreme Sovereignty with the agonized scream which comes from the cross and now echoes in my heart? “Oh sacred head now wounded, with grief and shame weighed down”.
Does it make any difference in our lives to know that if God (Matthew 27:46) had not forsaken Jesus, we could never have had the promise (Hebrews 13:5) that Jesus will never forsake us?
Wesley said it right – - ‘Tis mystery all - The IMMORTAL dies!
Because of that mystery there is another mystery. Without controversy (1 Timothy 3:16) great is the mystery of godliness – that God was made visible in the human flesh of Jesus. To what purpose? So that the mystery can continue in you and me – that God will be pleased (Galatians 1:15-16) to reveal His Son in us. Bind this on your heart - - we can live in the glory of the mystery of incarnate Deity. All these meditations pierce me with a painful question. Do I really know anything at all about genuine humility?
The anguish of the isolated black hole of loneliness – the agonizing abyss of desertion and abandonment – the horrific crushing, suffocating weight of sin – the torture perfected to cause maximum deadly killing pain - - - all were necessary to pay the incalculable cost for my atonement.
God’s love for me crucified Jesus and I want my love for Jesus (Galatians 5:24) and my chosen identification with His death to crucify every particle of my flesh nature and that (Ephesians 3:19) you and I might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Dr. A.W. Tozer – God will be ALL or He will be nothing.