Please join me in praying that the power and glory of the risen Saviour will be so greatly upon persecute believers, that through them God will transform prisons and labour camps into evangelistic centres.
The Lord told me something which was so thrilling – so overwhelm-ing – so astounding – that my goose bumps began to get goose bumps of their own. Before I tell you what He said, picture this scenario.
You hold Power of Attorney for your mother whom you love dearly. One day you visit Mom and find her in physical pain. She has a healing prescription but is not physically able to get to the drug store. Do you sit beside her – hold her hand – cry in sympathy and tell her you wish you could take the pain for her? – OR – Do you go at once to get the prescription filled? Of course – the latter because you wisely use her resources for her benefit and desires. Human sympathy never cures pain but doing what she wants will affect the cure.
A few days later you drop in on Mom and she is crying and extremely upset. Her cottage is 130 miles away and neighbours phoned to tell her that the roof is leaking and rain is pouring in. Do you commiserate with her and depict all the destruction that could happen to the cottage and contents?? – OR – Do you withdraw some of her resources and immediately arrange for repairs?
They seem like foolish questions don’t they? But I want you to see what you are really doing. You are using her resources to accomplish exactly what she wants. You are acting in her name and on her behalf to fulfill her will.
Let’s change the scene. Now you are attending mid-week prayer meeting at your church. You are one of several people who pray. Why do you pray “in Jesus Name”? Is that a magic phrase to get you whatever you want or is it just a signal to let others know you’ve finished praying? Certainly God has nothing to do with magic which is deception – illusion – unreality. What does it mean to pray “in Jesus Name”? Now I’ll tell you what the Lord told me. He said, “You could have POA (Power of Attorney) for Jesus!” With the power and the glory of those words from God - - join me as I seek to travel farther and farther along that pathway. Are there guidelines? Yes, definitely there are some things to avoid (maybe even drop) and there are glorious privileges to pursue and embrace. We need to examine (2 Corinthians 13:5) and evaluate our hearts and lives.
There can be absolutely (1 John 3:6) no deliberate – intentional, - habitual sin. We must be done with it – finished with it – dead to it. One of the worst, if not the worst, sins is self-pity because (Oswald Chambers) it obliterates God and puts SELF on the throne.
Praying selfishly – personal interest – seeking (Jeremiah 45:5) great things and asking for things (James 4:3) to consume on our lusts.
Pride – King Uzziah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but (2 Chronicles 26:16-21) when he was strong, he became proud and God struck him with leprosy. Destruction (Proverbs 16:18) never fails to follow pride.
Bitterness – unforgiveness – resentment stop growth in grace. To retain unforgiveness and deceive ourselves into thinking we can serve God is a devilish deception. By our deliberate refusal to obey (Matthew 6:15) we make any so-called service to the Lord nothing more than wood – hay- stubble. I think it would be fearful to appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ still carrying this sin. With this sin I detect the horrifying stench of pride. Such a person not only undermines the Cross but makes himself superior to Jesus Who bore the sin and took the pain and forgave. But that foolish person sets himself above all that and considers himself too important to obey the clear command of the Judge of all the earth.
Let me draw a real-life picture of a couple of atrocities which continue in our present-day world. We hear of men from Europe and North America who spend their vacations in certain countries in order to have sex (rape) with children – some as young as 18 months old. We hear of a country where a Satan-worshipping cult tears the limbs from albino infants and older to offer to Satan. And much more evil of course. In fierce indignation we wish (maybe even pray) that God would strike them dead. STOP! HOLD IT! We must go quickly to Calvary. As we kneel before the Cross and look up at our precious, tortured Saviour, we hear Him speak. Does He say – Father strike them dead? No – no – a thousand times no! Listen to his words. Father don’t let Me die – don’t let my agony end until I have paid the full sin-debt of the whole world, until I have fully satisfied the wrath of God and you can justly forgive and still remain holy. BECAUSE I know that (Ezekiel 33:11) You have no pleasure in the death of the wicked and (2 Peter 3:9) desire that all come to repentance.
Are we – am I – even on the threshold of grasping the limitless depth of the unfathomable love of God? The words of Ezekiel 33:11 sink deeply into my mind and pull me to delve deeply into this compelling mystery and gold mine. Just think of WHOM God had already purposed (Acts 2:23) to strike dead for your sin and mine! Now what we must have to qualify for God’s POA.
IF My Word (John 15:7) abide/live in you and (Colossians 3:16) dwell in you richly. If we are not reading and meditating on God’s Word, we will be spiritually bankrupt and too spiritually ignorant to handle POA for Jesus.
We must have unwavering (Matthew 9:29) confidence – fully (Acts 6:5) trusting – and faith (Matthew 21:21) which does not doubt. A faith that will not shrink though pressed by many a foe and will not tremble on the brink of any earthly woe.
We must have (John 17:11) oneness with God. Can two walk together (Amos 3:3) except they be agreed? We could never co-operate with heaven’s plans if we did not know the heart of the Planner.
There must be (John 14:13-15) instant and unquestioning obedience. Because we know Him, we love Him – because we trust Him, we obey Him. Jesus spoke (John 14:12) of greater works and we know that ever since Pentecost, greater works have been accomplished all over the world through the True Church of Jesus Christ. We also know enough history to know that many of the “greater works” have been accomplished through prayer. Human sympathy and good wishes accomplish nothing in prayer.
Once again, my question - - what does it mean (John 15:16) to pray in Jesus Name?
The grandeur of our POA (the keys of the kingdom) is to appropriate the resources of King Jesus – then to pray in His Name – in His interest – on His behalf – according to His nature - for things nearby or far away and for precious persecuted believers suffering in the fiery furnace. Then we sign our name along with His glorious Name for the fulfillment on earth of things (Matthew 16:19) He has already authorized in heaven.
Of course, this gave me even greater impetus and perspective to pray for the persecuted church but there was more thrilling – awesome news for me. Over time the Holy Spirit has given me further insights into (Acts 5:41), (1 Peter 4:13) “rejoice because you are counted worthy to suffer”. One morning I was seeking the heart of God as I prayed for the persecuted church. The Lord spoke to me and brought deeper insight than ever before – deeper into that glorious mystery. First, we need to remember that Jesus (Matthew 16:18) is building His Church and manifesting (Ephesians 3:10) His wisdom to demonic principalities and powers through His persecuted church which is smashing through the gates of hell.
Listen to what the Lord said to me.
The Father remembers that extremely significant – darkest – most agonizing Thursday night in all of human history when - - - His beloved Son broke the bread and poured the wine. Then He said to us – this is My body which is broken for you.
Now I pray that whatever cells or hell-holes they are in – right now suffering horrific tortures designed in the heart of Satan – that very place will become an altar where precious believers can offer their pain – wounds – torn flesh – broken bones as a love offering to the Lord Jesus and say – this is my body which is broken for love of You, Jesus. I’m ready (2 Timothy 4:6) to be offered.
Please join me in praying that the power and glory of the risen Saviour will be so greatly upon them that through them God will transform prisons and labour camps into evangelistic centres.
I am still learning and have much to learn which I long to learn. As the deer pants (Psalms 42:1) for the water brooks.
Holy Spirit with the Word Divine
Illumine this seeking, longing heart of mine
For us believers who have been abundantly lavished by the incredible Grace of God – couldn’t we say – shouldn’t we say –Father, a body You have prepared for me to be (1 Corinthians 6:19) the temple of the living God. This – my body – is given to You as (Romans 12:1) a living sacrifice because in it I want (Hebrews 10:7) to do Your will, oh God.