I know that most travel has been curtailed but no restrictions or boundaries can put limits on my time machine. I have taken several trips to faraway places - - far both in distance and in past or future time. Recently I decided to visit a region which is now part of Turkey – specifically a mountain called Ararat which has an elevation of about 6,000 feet. After 1 year and 10 days (Genesis 8:18) in the ark, God told Noah to come out with his family and all the animals. Fortunately I arrived just as they were coming out because I wanted to see the newly washed and refreshed world. I watched Noah build an altar and offer burnt offerings to the Lord. This really touched me - - when the pleasing odour ascended to the Lord it was a scent of satisfaction (Genesis 8:20-21) to His heart. Just think - - we can bring joy to God’s heart by our obedience and worship. Noah and I looked up at the sky where the glorious sunshine was chasing the receding clouds.
I don’t know what the others were doing but – suddenly – we saw something – both Noah and I gasped simultaneously and fell to our knees – something exquisitely beautiful – something never seen by human eyes before – the first rainbow. Then we heard the voice of God as He actually explained to us that this was the pledge token of His covenant with the earth that never again would He destroy it by flood. I was filled with wonder as I zoomed back to the present time. Every time I see a rainbow I tingle with the memory of my trip to Mount Ararat.
On one of my trips I found myself with Moses inside his tent just when the pillar of cloud descended and stood at the door of the tent. This meant (Exodus 33:9) that the Lord would talk with Moses.
Talk about holy ground! I could hardly believe I was there. I was privileged to observe (11) that the Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend. Then I heard Moses make a request (13) and I was amazed that his request sounded so much like my personal prayer for myself. “Show me Your way that I may know You and progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with You and have understanding”. God’s loving response was (14) My Presence shall go with you and I will give you rest. Again I was struck by the similarity of what the Lord said to me (HEB.13:5) I will never fail you or leave you or give you up or forsake you or relax my hold on you.
God does not change and if we seek Him with all our heart (Deuteronomy 4:29, Jeremiah .29:13) we will find Him because we have the Sovereign (Isaiah 55:6) security of His promise.
Oh God, You are my God (Psalms 63:1) early will I seek You, my soul longs for you. Seeking the Lord is not to be a sometimes thing like when I’m in trouble or have a need. Early will I seek You It is the most vital requirement of our lives and should be a continual seeking and finding and further seeking.
One day my journey landed me in a large cave. I looked around to get my bearings and then I went to stand beside Elijah (1 Kings 19:9) near the entrance of the cave. We saw terrifying outbursts of power but even though we were shaken, we were unharmed. Elijah and I just looked at each other and suddenly we were both intently listening to - - - Listen! The sound of gentle stillness (VS.12) and a still small voice. We were both awestruck and trembling. We realized something – something soul-shaking and precious. That still small voice – as gentle as a summer breeze – that still small voice is the VOICE of ALMIGHTY POWER!
Do we clutter our minds with temporary things so that we miss the loving VOICE OF ETERNAL POWER and AUTHORITY?
God is speaking all the time and we do well to listen. Otherwise we rob our souls.
(Psalms 46:6) He uttered His voice and the earth melted.
(Isaiah 30:30) The Lord shall cause His glorious voice to be heard.
On one of my trips I was exploring a particular area when I noticed Peter, James and John following Jesus up a mountain - - so of course I tagged along. We were startled when 2 men suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Instinctively we recognized Moses and Elijah immediately. They had never seen Jesus before and both were thrilled to see the Fulfillment of the law and the prophets standing right there with them. They already knew that His Name was Jesus. They were conversing with Him about His soon-coming atoning death when – suddenly – Jesus was completely transfigured right in front of us. He was clothed – enveloped in brilliant shining glory which did not originate in this world. Trembling with fear, awe and worship, we knelt before Him. Then we heard a Voice – a Voice from heaven – and we fell prostrate. God the Father spoke from heaven and told us to be quiet and listen to Jesus. (An excellent command for us to continue to obey.)
Then – shockingly – Jesus turned His back on the glory and came down into the demon-possessed valley. (Let that sink in!) The people were all amazed (Mark 9:15) to see the remainder of the shining splendour which had not yet faded from His face. But for Jesus that was not FOR NOW. He came down to continually be the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
In commenting on (John 14:6), Pastor McBride said the word WAY is from the Greek and means path or road. Jesus is exclusively the only way – path – road – access to God the Father.
He is also the TRUTH. What does that mean? To me it means that His words – deeds – attitude – lifestyle (VS.9:11) are the visible manifestation and reality of the very TRUTH which Almighty Holy God eternally is. Forever He is the LIFE. The eternal LIFE of the immortal God – manifested in His humanity and Resurrection and by His death made available to anyone who comes to His Cross for forgiveness and salvation.
If you travel back to Genesis 1:1, you will arrive before the beginning of creation. Now zoom ahead to John 1:1 and you will be in a period before the beginning of no beginning and you will arrive at Infinity. Now as my mind is reeling, something flashes on my dash – isn’t it marvellous what our minds cannot grasp, our hearts have no trouble in believing.
My travels are not to make me think of the God of the past. My goal is to be continually filled with the ever-present reality of God Himself – our God Who never changes – our God with Whom it is always NOW. That is the great thrill of my journeys.
Got any travel plans? I can guarantee that you will be astonished at where you will discover God.