In my Father's house

Are we living in such human dependence upon Jesus Christ that His life is being manifested moment by moment?

The seed thoughts for this paper came from my long-time mentor Oswald Chambers.  But in my continual conversation with the Holy Spirit, He brought particular Scriptures to my mind and from those verses He unpacked deeper depths of thrilling truth.

There is nothing in God’s Word which I do not believe – believe without difficulty or hesitation.  However, sometimes I have a sense that I haven’t grasped the compelling, glorious depths of some Scriptures.  I always know where to go – to my patient, willing, Almighty Teacher.  The wonderful Holy Spirit has never failed to answer my questions – sometimes at once – sometimes it takes a while for me to get through the gift wrapping of the always – thrilling gift – a gift for the treasure chest of my mind.  But He never fails to answer me.

Don’t you know (Luke 2:49) that I must be in My Father’s house?  My body is (2 Corinthians 6:16) God’s temple - - my life is my Father’s house.  Hold it a minute - - how can my life be my Father’s house?  Because I continually dwell (Psalms 23:6) in His Presence - - His never-failing loving Presence.  The abiding Reality (abide in Me John 15:4, John 15:7) is God.  Am I always in contact with Reality or only when there are problems in my life?  Am I so identified with my Lord’s Life that I am simply a child of God - continually talking to Him and realizing that all things come from His hand?  Is Jesus, in me, living in the Father’s house?  When I go through difficulties and things I cannot understand – it is because the relation into which the Son of God has come in His Father’s providence is for my particular growth as a maturing saint.  No matter if I understand – I must remember that God’s timing is always perfect and He always has a purpose.

It is the Life Jesus lived back THEN which He NOW lives in me – His very same life.  As He is growing up in me, my growth will match His.  The mystery (Colossians 1:27) of Christ in me is my only hope of continually being raised (2 Corinthians 3:18) to the next level of glory.  Grow up (Ephesians 4:13-15) in Christ to the standard of the measure of the full stature of the completeness found in Him.

The God of peace (1 Thessalonians 5:23) sanctify you wholly.  I see sanctification as God’s process to grow me from childhood to adulthood/maturity by the Life of His beloved Son in me.

BUT – I must tell you - - -

A snowball in a 450 degree oven has much greater hope of becoming a snowman than any foolish hope that I can live such a life by my own efforts.

O.K. then – so what is all this for?

Listen – listen – listen with your heart to reality.  It is so that NOW in my life/my Father’s house – the Son of God can live the Life He lived back THEN in His life/The Father’s house – which means He must be (Luke 2:49) about His Father’s business and do always (John 8:29) the things that please Him --- IN ME!!!

What is the great – eternal – over-riding purpose for the existence of humans – of you and me – and the Divine plan which demanded that the Lamb be slain (Revelation 13:8) from the foundation of the world?  Are you beginning to sense the awe that I am feeling?

The grand master plan is (John 13:32) that the Father be glorified in the Son.  Jesus said (John 12:28, John 17:1) Father glorify Thy Name.  Listen to God’s reply – I have glorified it and will glorify it again.  If God’s glory is in Jesus and Jesus is now in heaven – how can God continue to glorify His Name?  Because Jesus is not only in heaven – He indwells you and me.

It is essential that we spend time alone with God and when we do, we are on the Mount of Transfiguration.  We would like to stay there but God said – no trailer parks on the mountain.  Like the disciples (Matthew 17:9, Matthew 17:15) we must come down to the demon-filled valley which is our present world.  We must take care to be properly dressed (Ephesians 6:10-17) with the full armour of God because God’s glory is at stake in our lives.

The more we know and experience this inner life – the deeper we see that God’s purpose is (Colossians 1:24) filling up that which is behind in the afflictions of Christ.  Let Him fulfill in me the purpose for which He suffered.  My part in God’s master plan is – that the way Jesus worked and moved among people, must be the way He lives – works – moves in me.

OSWALD CHAMBERS  - There is always something to be done in the sense of “filling up.”  The vicarious Life of my Lord is to become my vital, simple life.  Common sense is a gift God gave to human nature but common sense is not the gift of His Son.  Supernatural sense is the gift of His Son – never enthrone common sense.  Common sense never has and never will detect the Father.  Our ordinary wits never worship God unless they are transformed by the indwelling Son of God.  We have to see that this mortal flesh is kept in subjection to Him and that He works through it moment by moment.  Are we living in such human dependence upon Jesus Christ that His life is being manifested moment by moment?

I thought this meditation was completed but just as I was going down to the dining room for lunch – the Lord spoke one sentence to me and of course, the goosebumps began.  It seemed to simplify all these truths.  Do want to know what He said?  O.K. I’ll tell you.

The suit that Jesus wore over 2000 years ago was (Hebrews 10:5) His human body and now the suit of clothes He wears is my human body!  My thoughts continued - - what was His initial purpose for wearing that suit?  To reveal the Father because He said (John 14:9) anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father.  What is my purpose to (Romans 12:1) yield my body with all its faculties to be His suit of clothes now?  To reveal Jesus because when my body is surrendered to Him – God is pleased to (Galatians 1:15-16) reveal His Son in me.

TAKE NOTE EVERY BELIEVER – Jesus willingly suffered all the horrendous torture that brutalized and crucified His suit – so that your suit and mine would be available for Him to wear now.  We need to remember why we are here and not be distracted by foolish, selfish, temporary things which can rob us of eternal beauty and position.

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