Obey the Holy Spirit in order to allow the Son of God in me – to do the supernatural through me to the glory of the Father.
God told us (Isaiah 55:9) that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. He said (Jeremiah 29:11) I know My thoughts for you even when you don’t – so trust Me. Moses said (Exodus 33:13) “show me Thy way that I may know Thee” Lord, You know me through and through but I want to know You in such a way that You will know me as Your trusted friend.
David said (Psalms 25:4) “show me Thy ways and teach me Thy paths” Precious Master, teach me Your paths so that I can walk with You along Your paths in sweet companionship with You as You reveal to me Your ways.
God will teach us (Isaiah 2:3) His ways if we will walk in His paths, growing in intimacy and fellowship with Him.
Christ left us an example (1 Peter 2:21) that we should follow in His steps. His example was continual self-denial.
This is the way (Isaiah 30:21) walk in it. This is God’s call for consistent obedience if we truly want to know Him – a call for godly living. If I pursue knowing God I must learn and know His ways by the wisdom and revelation (Ephesians 1:17) in the knowledge of Him because (Colossians 2:2-3) full understanding of the mystery of God comes only from Him in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. This is a command (2 Peter 3:18) grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
One thing we know definitely about God’s ways is that His plans and purposes (Psalms 33:11) can never be thwarted through all generations no matter how many centuries or how long it takes.
This is just one of many thrilling examples as we trace God’s intended agenda for the Jews. Jews – a people who began with Isaac. From Isaac (Genesis 21:12) shall your Seed come – the Messiah of Israel and the Saviour of the world. The Jews were to be an example and teach the nations about the one True God. They failed because of unbelief and deliberate disobedience. Did God’s plan fail? Follow His program. One transformed Jewish man (Romans 11:13) did bring the Good News of the Gospel of grace to the Gentiles but as a nation Israel failed in its mandate – I will give you (Isaiah 49:6) as a light to the Gentiles that you may be My salvation to the end of the earth. Because of their unbelief (Romans 11:17-25) blindness happened in part to Israel but Jesus declared that (John 4:22) salvation is of the Jews. Meanwhile we Gentiles were a wild branch which God grafted in so that we would (Matthew 28:19) make disciples in all nations during the Age of Grace. What about after that – what about the untaught people in the Day of God’s Judgment? Who will evangelize the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom?
HALLELUJAH for the fulfillment of God’s original plan. In addition to (Revelation 11:3-12) the two witnesses, there will be (Revelation 7:4) 144,000 witnesses – - ALL JEWS!!!!
(Are we ever stupid enough to doubt God?)
Our access to spiritual knowledge is by meditation on the Holy Scriptures but never comes by human intellect – only by the Divine illumination of God the Holy Spirit. Also, we can track the Divine strategy of Sovereign Wisdom from past ages and right up to our present time. The wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 2:7) which we need for our lives, He prepared for us ages before we arrived on the scene. If I learn God’s ways I’ll be able to see everything from His standpoint. Be transformed (Romans 12:1-2) by the renewing of your mind. This is not a one-time deal. It is part of the process of our sanctification. If I’m about to say or do something and get a sudden intuitive jar from the Holy Spirit – I must stop immediately. Then as I seek the will and mind of God and obey, I am transformed in that area by the renewing of my mind. So then, more and more (1 Corinthians 2:16) I will have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts and purposes of His Heart.
Oswald Chambers – “We are designed with a great capacity for God”.
God promised Israel that if they would obey Him and Keep His Law which (Exodus 20:1) was given to Moses, His love would be demonstrated to them by health – wealth – prosperity and military victory. But even these magnificent guarantees could not keep them on the straight and narrow.
For the Church which Jesus is building (Matthew 16:18) God has a different plan. From Calvary on and until Jesus comes for His Church - - God’s stupendous, incredible love is gift wrapped in suffering. If we choose the path of self-denial, the crucified life, we will experience suffering in various forms. Will we refuse or (John 18:11) drink the cup? If my goal is “God Himself – at any cost – by any road,” – Oswald Chambers – “There is no possibility of questioning when God speaks if He speaks to His own nature in me. Prompt obedience is the only result.” We look ahead to the glory that will be revealed in us (2 Corinthians 4:17-18, Romans 8:18) when this painful temporary is (1 Corinthians 15-54) forever replaced by the joyous eternal.
How do I get to know God Who (1 Timothy 6:16) dwells in the unapproachable and dangerous brilliance of the light of His holiness? It would be forever impossible – E X C E P T – that in the depths of that forbidding burning light – there is a Propitiation – a Mercy Seat – a Sacrifice, so that I am not only safe when I approach God right in the holy of holies - - - I am welcomed and loved.
Often I am stunned by the wonder and mystery and beauty of our indescribable God.
I know that I will never be worthy of the precious Blood that was shed for me but it is that very blood which makes me worthy to have a relationship with the Sovereign Creator of the universe Who is my loving heavenly Father.
I want to crucify the natural in me by obeying the Holy Spirit in order to allow the Son of God in me – to do the supernatural through me to the glory of the Father.
May I ask you to join me in praying this part of an old hymn - -
Oh to be like Thee, oh to be like Thee,
Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art,
Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness,
Stamp Thine own image deep in my heart.