Prayer Insight

I love this verse: (Amplified) Isaiah 57:15 – Thus says the High and Holy One – He Who inhabits eternity, Whose Name is Holy, I dwell in the high and holy place, but with him also who is of a thoroughly penitent and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the thoroughly penitent (bruised with sorrow for sin). As I meditate on the wonder and love of God revealed in this verse, I feel increasing awe.
I was in my prayer corner – just beginning to pray – when I got a fresh slant on prayer. Maybe it would be better to say – a fuller, clearer picture. Nothing exactly new but it impacted me and I wonder if it would be wise to dwell on these truths before we rush into God’s Presence with our requests.
Sovereign Majesty sits on the high and holy throne and His kingdom (Psalms 103:19) rules over all. When I bring my prayer requests to the Most High God in eternity – entering the holy of holies – I am appealing to the highest Sovereign Authority – the Judge of all the earth. There is no higher level – there is no higher court.
The only way I can have access to the holy of holies is “through the Blood past the Veil.” The Blood is the poured-out covenant Blood of my Saviour and the rent Veil is the torn Body of the Lamb of God. I pray that His precious Blood will work unceasingly in me and it truly does moment-by-moment – as I walk (1 John 1:7) in the light of obedience. Our access to the High and Holy God is an indescribable privilege – free to us but immeasurable cost to our Redeemer. As my knowledge of God increases and my intimacy with Jesus deepens – all my requests and desires will be God-given and therefore God-guaranteed. What fellowship, joy and learning there can be in getting to know the Father’s heart and then – right there – in the holy of holies – to know that the heart of God is in my prayers. This fact is a jewel to treasure in my heart.
(1 John 5:14-15 Amplified) This is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness) we have in Him; (we are sure) that if we ask anything (make any request) according to His will (in agreement with His own plan) He listens to us and hears us. And if (since) we (positively) know that He listens to us in whatever we ask, we also know (with settled and absolute knowledge) that we have (granted to us as our present possessions) the requests made of Him.
I heard this from Dr. Ravi Zacharias – “If I love you but you don’t love me, I hurt because I have lost something. God loves you but if you don’t love Him – God hurts – not because He has lost some-thing but because you have.” God’s holy love is so selfless and pure that His concern is all about you. Do you care?
As God’s sunlight triumphs over the morning fog and dispels it, may the Light of the world Himself shine into darkened hearts and minds and with irresistible conviction and unmistakeable enlightenment drive away the darkness. Let that same holy Light arouse sleeping Christians and churches – disturb and disrupt their indolence regarding eternal Truth. Is there time left – one more time – for a church awakening, repentance and revival?
God loved me enough to accept me “just as I am” but He loves me too much to leave me “just as I am”. The love of Christ (Ephesians 3:19) surpasses knowledge and it was that love of God for me that crucified Jesus. I pray that my love for Jesus will crucify (Colossians 3:5) every desire of my flesh so that (Ephesians 3:19) I may be filled and flooded with God Himself.
We can’t stand on the promises unless we are resting in the Promiser. Then we can know that: -
- The Father is pleased to reveal His Son in us.
- That we are made worthy by the precious, priceless Blood of Jesus.
- That the life of Jesus is reproduced in us by our complete surrender to and our total dependence on the Holy Spirit.
With the Triune God involved in every detail and aspect of our lives - - we can’t lose for winning.
As we read through Scripture we come across parables.
Warren Wiersbe – A parable becomes a picture which becomes a mirror which becomes a window.
Picture – we see the familiar
Mirror – we see ourselves
Window – we look through and see God - - that’s revelation

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