Without Jesus there could never be a secret place.
Nothing can refresh you like the living Word of God, and renew effectiveness with its restoring power. There are many gods in existence but there is no god, no other god, like unto our glorious God. He alone, He only (Isaiah 43:11) is infinite God. Give Him His rightful place in your life and worship only Him. Keep yourself (1 John 5:21) from idols.
Do you like secrets? Let’s chase down a few. What do you come up with if you put just these few secrets together? The secret things (Deuteronomy 29:29) belong to God. Your Father Who (Matthew 6:6) is in secret and Who sees in secret. In times of trouble (Psalms 27:5) He will hide me in the secret place of His pavilion. Everything and every person everywhere is always seen by the (2 Chronicles 16:9) eyes of God and there is no darkness (Psalms 139:11) where you can hide in secret from Him. You can hide (Hebrews 4:13) no secrets from God so don’t waste your time in trying. If we live in the secret place of the Most High (Psalms 91:1) we shall remain perfectly stable under the protecting shadow of the Almighty, Whose power no foe can withstand. The secret of the sweet, satisfying companionship (Psalms 25:14) of the Lord is for those who fear and worship Him and He will reveal to them the deeper meaning of His promises. The Lord lavishes goodness (Psalms 31:19-20) on His own and hides them in the secret place of His Presence, safe and secure from every plot against them. That He would (Job 11:6) show us the secret of wisdom which has its beginning in Proverbs 1:7) the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord.
I find in myself a growing heart-hungering to discover God’s secret place and live there with Him always. I am longing to have God share His secrets, the secrets of His heart with me as I meditate on even these few SECRET verses, I can see a pathway beginning to emerge. So where do I start? First, I have to be sure that I have a strong and determined desire to navigate this trail of holy secrets. It will have to be a priority to the exclusion of all lesser, inferior things. This means that I will gladly discard every hindrance and distraction to me in my pursuit. I cannot loiter in the vain trifles and empty allurements which beckon by their appeal to the flesh. My mind cannot be a host to any of the world’s trash. Those idolatries will take away (Hosea 4:11) the heart and the mind and the spiritual understanding and they cannot exist along with a sincere desire to learn God’s secrets. There are always laws at work. If you don’t obey the law of physics, the law of gravity will bring you regret. If your plate is too close to the edge, gravity will smash your plate in a collision with the floor. I must never (1 Thessalonians 5:19) quench the Holy Spirit by ignoring His voice with its gentle checks. He doesn’t shout and we must be alert and keenly sensitive to Him.
(Oswald Chambers) “Whenever the Holy Spirit checks, call a halt and get the thing right or you will go on grieving Him without knowing it.” The Lord’s chastening (Hebrews 12:5) is His loving correction and His rebuke is His STOP SIGN warning against a pathway of unholiness. I must not allow my natural common sense to contradict the supernatural (Romans 12:9-21) Omniscient instructions of the Holy Spirit. My obedience must be prompt and without question or debate. Self-discipline is essential if we hope to conquer self-indulgence. Discipline, the word comes from the word disciple – so whose disciple are we? My mind must be filled with God’s Word and a determination to no longer (2 Corinthians 5:15) live for self but to (1 Corinthians 10:31) glorify God in all things by obedience and worship. We must take the time to cultivate a deepening,loving relationship with God. He will not share His secrets with anyone in brief snatches of time wedged in between a self-chosen, busy schedule. God must be my top priority. If I truly love Him, He will always be first – no matter the consequences. In addition to specific prayer lists and specific daily times of prayer, I see the need for a continuous conversation with the Lord. In all my waking hours I am listening to and talking to my precious heavenly Father. Even when busy with the details of daily life, the sense of closeness remains. I discuss with Him everything that happens in my life and everything I hear about that happens on a global scale. He can use every bad news tragedy as an opportunity for the proclamation of the good news of the Gospel.
Sometimes in waking hours of the night, He gives me a wonderful thought for my written meditations. As we pray and stay close to the Father’s heart, we will begin to discern His purpose in some of the inscrutable things which are dark to our understanding. (Personally, I find it very precious to meditate on the loving fatherliness of my beloved heavenly Father). In any and every crisis our confidence in Him cannot be shaken.
(Dr.Stanly) “Most of our problems begin when we do not abide in the secret place of the Almighty.” This is not a place for us to come and go. The secret place of the holy God is where we are to abide/dwell/live continually. You can have the truth of all the secrets in a nut shell. Exactly what and where is the secret place? The secret place is unbroken communion with God - - in His Word, talking to and listening to Him, pressing on in constant obedience to Him and deepening, loving relationship with Him. Forever safe, secure and loved in the Secret Place where all we are and have is yielded to Him. (Oswald Chambers) “To be so identified with Jesus that there is no distinction.”
Definitely we cannot keep secrets from God but we can have great delight in sharing secrets with the Lord, the special joy of sharing a secret just between ourselves and Him. Just imagine!!! The Transcendent, Sovereign, Almighty Ruler telling us personally and individually some of His secrets!!!!
Never – never – never forget that everything God makes available to us was purchased and fully paid for by the tremendous cost of the Atonement made by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Without Jesus there could never be a secret place. Everything is in the Atonement.