"So send I you" What is the deep meaning of the words spoken by Jesus?

As believers we need to be careful not to try to claim promises made to Israel. If Israel followed the Lord and obeyed His commandments, they were promised health, prosperity and victory over all their enemies. God has a very different program for His church.
Let’s take a closer look at His Words (John 20-21) as the Father sent Me so send I you. How did the Father send Him? Into a life of poverty, rejection and slander. For the majority He was not the kind of Messiah they were looking for – waiting for. They despised Him and saw (Isaiah 53:2-3) nothing about Him that was attractive to them.
Of course every Christian does not live in poverty. God has blessed many with varying degrees of material plenty - - all of which requires our wise and obedient stewardship – be it little or much. But I think these are the outer layers and I want to get to the heart of the matter.
Come with me back in time to a Thursday night – the pivotal Thursday in human history – the Thursday night of dark Gethsemane – the Thursday night before the demon-filled Friday of Calvary.
Suddenly the Words of Jesus come a little differently into my mind. This is (Luke 22:19-20) My body which is given for you and this is My Blood which is poured out for you. SO SEND I YOU!
If I want a life that is fragrant with the sweetness of Jesus - - if I want a life that is poured-out wine for the benefit of others - - there are 2 unchangeable facts I must recognize and accept.
Perfume demands crushed flowers
Wine demands crushed grapes
In the school of holy discipleship – God has a winepress. God has accomplished more through His church by suffering than by any other means.
Let’s take a look at our prayers. Are they genuine intercession which brings us into definite contact with God and interceding on Redemption Ground? If our requests are mostly based on human sympathy that is not prayer and can lead to hardness and even blasphemy. If we had been there (Genesis 37:24) when Joseph’s brothers threw him in a pit, would we have formed a circle around that pit and pleaded with God to get that boy out of that hole and back to his Father? Or would we have agonized for Paul when he was in prison in Caesarea and Rome that God would release him at once? Such so-called prayers are nothing but a hindrance. That’s why it’s wrong to try to put ourselves in the place of those we pray for – we should try to put ourselves in God’s place. That’s why we need to pray in the Spirit to get God’s viewpoint – begin to feel His heart and see His purpose so that every request is for the glory of God.
Jesus did not ask if it would be safe before He was willing to come. The disciples did not pray (Acts 4:29-31) that persecution would end, but that the Holy Spirit would empower them for greater courage and boldness. Now we examine our personal prayer for our self. What requests do we bring to the King of all kings. Assuredly it is not wrong to bring our needs and care to Him – in fact (1 Peter 5:7, Matthews 6:31-33) we are told to and we have God’s promise to meet our needs as we obey him. But if I ask God about a small temporary need – what is my motive? Is it just to work things out for my convenience so I’ll be more comfortable? Or does even the smallest answer fill me with ever-growing wonder and gratitude and deepen my intimacy with my precious, loving heavenly Father?
“So send I you” keeps sounding within me.
If I am not willing to surrender to the Almighty Potter to shape me – make me – send me – for the glory of God and the blessing of other lives - - of what worth or use is my life?
Yesterday morning I was drinking my breakfast tea when the Lord gave me a beautiful, wonderful very personal Christmas gift. For a few days I had been thinking about those wonderful chapters (38-42) in Job and I was thrilled by the wisdom and beauty of our Creator, But I was more deeply impacted by the Sovereign God’s patience and kindness as He spoke personally to Job directly to teach – explain – enlighten and lead Job to repentance and then use him to bless others. I was talking to the Lord about the thrilling demonstration of His love to Job - - - when suddenly - - - God spoke personally to me.
The Lord spoke to me and He said:
Long before dinosaurs – before God hung the earth on nothing – billions of years before Jesus - - - God chose Jennie Whitehouse - - - and because of Jennie, Jesus was essential. Why?
God incarnate in Jesus (Colossians 2:9)
Jesus incarnate in Jennie (John 14:16,23)
I want to share this gift with you. Substitute your name for mine and make it your very own.
Now let’s pray:
Master, precious, victorious Lord Jesus - - as the Father sent You - - so send me.
How is your faith and mine holding up? God said (Genesis 11:6-7) one people – one language – one evil purpose – nothing will be impossible for them. Because it was evil, the Lord scattered them and confused their language. Now for us (Matthew 17:20) if you have living faith like a grain of mustard seed nothing will be impossible to you. See the tremendous possibilities for us as we pray for ourselves and our witness – others – the spread of the Gospel – our nation and the world.
We are coming to THE KING
Large petitions let us bring.
As I’m writing this, Christmas is drawing near so I would like to share another thought with you.
It is to laugh (Psalms 126:2)
Who or what could be laughing - - laughing at - - ???
I bring my wish-list to my heavenly Father but actually it is not mere wishes but the truly deep longings of my heart. What could I possibly ask for that would involve laughter and what kind of laughter?
Prayer that scorns my human logic wishes and selfish desires.
Steadfastness that derides wavering.
Faith that mocks doubt.
Humility that joyfully crucifies pride
Where are such gifts? Only on Redemption Ground. In Whom is the source of such gifts? Only in our all-glorious Lord Jesus. Can you hear the joy-filled scoffing laughter of victors who are building a song - - building a life - - of praise unto our God? I want to join them - - and it is only possible because of Christmas. Thanks be unto God (2 Corinthians 9:15) for His unspeakable, indescribable, priceless GIFT.
The great wonder and mystery and miracle of God’s Christmas began with Jesus but is not confined just to Jesus. Like you (Psalms 139:13) I was formed in my mother’s womb. Jesus was formed physically (Luke 1:31) in the womb of the virgin Mary. JUST AS REAL as His physical entry into Mary, He has been born spiritually into me and (Galatians 4:19) He is being formed in me. Is that all? No way! Now I have the privilege and the enabling to (Ephesians 4:15) grow up in Christ. And then? I can choose (Hebrews 6:1) to advance steadily toward completeness – perfection – spiritual maturity in Christ Jesus my Lord.
If you want an encourager with goose-bumps – if you want an enlarger of your faith - - read 2 Chronicles, Chapter 20. I promise - - - your heart will dance before the Lord.
The thrilling reality of God’s Christmas must lead us to Gethsemane – Calvary – Resurrection – AND this is ours for all time and eternity.
Listen - - I can hear joy-bells! ! !

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