The mystery of Mt. Sinai has much to teach us

There is no panic in heaven, only plans!

Sometimes something unusual will drop into my mind and my thoughts will continue to grapple and travel with it even though I don’t have full understanding.  That is the case with this writing but there are some things I can even now see which are profitable.

Sin began in heaven (Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:15) long before the Fall in the Garden of Eden and before the Law was given to Moses.  But the following verses taken together raise amazing scenarios and possibilities in my mind.

Ezekiel 28:14 – You walked on the gleaming stone like sapphires on which the God of Israel walked on Mt. Sinai.  Millions or billions of years ago Lucifer walked on Mt. Sinai.  Exodus 24:10 – When Moses and the people of Israel were called by the Lord to Mt. Sinai, they saw the God of Israel and under His feet there was something like pavement of bright sapphire stone.

Hebrews 2:2 – the message (the Law) given through angels to Moses was authentic and proved true.

Holy angels delivered the Law to Moses on Mt. Sinai.  Long before that, before God and Lucifer walked on Mt. Sinai, what was God’s purpose in Lucifer being there?  What was significant about Mt. Sinai before sin existed on this earth?  Did it have a role (Ephesians 1:10) in a previous world?

Was it possible that Lucifer brought God’s commands to a former world just as angels brought God’s Law to Moses?  Does it have anything to do with what happened to the earth after creation?  Hebrews 11:3, Genesis 1:1-2 – In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth in the perfection of all He does.  But then – we don’t know how long after – the earth was formless, desolate, empty with darkness over the water.

What happened?  The ice age, if so why? – the fall of Satan?  We don’t know what caused the desolation.  All I know for sure is that the secret things (Deuteronomy 29:29) belong to the Lord our God – and I don’t want to probe beyond His permission.  But God said “Sinai” which is familiar to us – so I’ve asked the Lord that if I’m permitted to discover more He will reveal it to me because I’m very intrigued.  God always has a purpose and His plans will always be fulfilled – just as He said.  Every word the Lord has spoken has self-fulfilling power.

SINAI – The Bible Dictionary says Mt. Sinai is Mt. Horeb.  Horeb means dry and desolate.  Sinai in Greek is the name of the moon goddess.

Galatians 4:24 – Mt. Sinai represents the bondage of Egypt (Hagar) and points to the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:2).  Mt. Sinai declares no salvation through the Law.  What was different about it before sin in the holy days of Lucifer?  Mt. Sinai was the setting for our Tutor – the Law was our schoolmaster Galatians 3:24-25) to bring us to Christ.  When faith comes, we no longer need the schoolteacher.

Lucifer walked on the holy mountain because he was (Ezekiel 28:14) anointed and holy.  But Lucifer became Satan when he made his fateful choice.  I can’t imagine the electrifying shock which gripped the population of heaven then or the terrifying results for us now which lurk in the shadows if we are foolish enough to disobey God and live for self.

However, with all this mystery, I can clearly see one thing for our learning and warning.  Consider the facts.  God adorned Lucifer with more wisdom and beauty than any other being He had created.  Lucifer’s voice was so beautiful that his words sounded like music.  He led the angelic choirs in worship.  What could possibly go wrong in such a glorious setting?  Everything Lucifer had was given to him by God but instead of ongoing gratitude he began to be enamoured with himself.  He considered that his beauty and wisdom made him worthy of worship and he chose to seek the place of worship which belonged only to God.  The horrible stench of his pride permeated heaven and could not be tolerated.  Instantly he was cast out and down.  His godly wisdom became evil craftiness.  His beauty was distorted into various deceiving disguises.  He is crafty enough to know who to attack as a roaring lion and who to seduce as an angel of light.  All this serves to show us the horrendous possibilities of our choices and the deadly, even eternal consequences.  Lucifer chose once.  We have many choices all through life.  Here is the best advice you’ll ever receive – choose (Joshua 24:15) this very day to obey and serve the Lord and never change your mind but be transformed (Romans 12:2) by the continual renewing of your mind.  Your mind matters because your mind is where your thoughts begin and your choices are made.

I don’t want to end this meditation with questions, not even good questions.  I prefer to end by reminding us of something we know if we are truly Christians.  It is so foundational that it proves to us that we have nothing to fear no matter what is happening all around us.


We are living in strange and unusual times.  The groaning (Romans 8:22) of creation is getting louder as disasters increase in many places of the world.  COVID-19 has affected health care, finances, education, employment, shopping and all normal routines, including expected life spans.  Some people think that COVID is controlling the world.  As believers we know that is not true and we need to see clearly what is happening.  Our present world-system grows more defiant of God every day with deepening hatred for Christians.  We need to be in tune with the plans of heaven because those plans are the predestined purposes of Almighty Sovereignty as God prepares for the entrance of the King into our broken world.  Jesus will come (Mark 13:26, Daniel 7:13-14) with power and great glory and He will reign forever and ever.

When enormous disrupters create apparent landmines, do we (Ephesians 5:10-11) stand firm against Satan’s schemes to discourage and deceive us?  We can stand firm because we know that he is a defeated foe.  Satan commits only when our Sovereign God permits.  The Lake of Fire has been prepared (Matthew 25:41, Revelation 20:10) for him and his demons.


In order to make Atonement for us, Jesus was made to be (2 Corinthians 5:21) sin.  For Him that cost meant physical agony, emotional anguish, spiritual darkness – no light and no God and loneliness beyond words to describe.  He conquered it all.  His Resurrection proves that He indeed is the Mighty Conqueror.  And now - ? –


Read again these familiar verses – Romans 14:7-9, Philippians 2:9-11. Psalms 11:3-4, Acts 4:28, and be confident in the purpose of God’s sovereign plans.

Jesus is absolute LORD of the universe, of the living and the dead, of the saved and unsaved.  Whether acknowledged yet or not, He will be acknowledged by every person who ever existed.  Nothing ever is out of His control, including everything in your life and mine.  If you grasp the reality of this TRUTH, that Jesus Christ is totally and forever LORD, nothing can ever shake you even if the foundations are shaken.  In my mind I see these words in big, gold letters –


Therefore, (as the survivor of a Concentration Camp said) –

“there is no panic in heaven, only plans!”

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