God will make the final withdrawal from my lifespan bank to close my account.
To-day, as every day, I get up early in the morning, but before I get out of bed I spend time in conversation with the Lord. A couple of mornings ago, we were discussing lifespan and the thoughts I received gave birth to this meditation.
We know (Psalms 139:16) that God has prepared a specific number of days for the time each one of us will spend on Planet Earth. Why? Because God knows how many days will be necessary for me to fulfill the purpose (Acts 13:36) for which he created me. My obedient co-operation is essential so that I will not hinder or delay (Philippians 1:6, Philippians 2:13) the good work of the Lord. It will be interesting, exciting and rewarding to see what my heavenly Father has planned for each individual day. To-day is one of the necessary days in the bank of my lifespan. All my days, every day, each individual day will fit into God’s program, but each individual day will take on greater significance, deeper meaning, as I realize that each individual day has a bearing on eternity. The Lord formed me from the womb (Isaiah 49:5) to be His servant for his purpose.
This is what God meant when He said (Psalms 118:24) “This is the day that the Lord has made.” God made nothing to be wasted, including each individual day. We can rejoice in each and every day no matter what it brings, because each day is God’s gift in His withdrawal from our lifespan bank account for holy purpose. We will not always understand everything our days bring (James 4:14) or always know what to expect but we can determinedly develop God’s viewpoint and perspective. We will be amazed by the changes in our attitude and we can sincerely (Philippians 4:6) give thanks for all things.
No day can be hum-drum, boring or fearful if we receive everything from our Father’s hand and remember that each day is God’s gift and has a bearing on eternity. When to-day and everything in it becomes yesterday, it can never be retrieved but it is not lost. Because God is the Creator and Master of time, all my prayers and deeds of yesterday can be effective forward or backward in time, based on motive, according to God’s will and all could have an eternal significance.
Our desire should not be for days in which nothing goes wrong but that every day our thoughts and attitudes would praise and glorify God whether things do or do not seem to go wrong. I pray that very early in the morning, every morning, when the Lord Jesus withdraws a day from my lifespan bank account, that by His Resurrection Life lived by Him in and through me by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, He will produce more in that day to glorify God than I could ever dream of, whether I’m aware of it or not.
To-day (Hebrews 3:15) if you will hear His voice – if you will. Will you? I met a woman who said she was a born-again Christian, she had trusted Christ as her Saviour but she never read or listened to the Bible. She is starving herself and settling for a very costly (2 Kings 6:25) donkey’s head dinner when God has opened the windows of heaven to freely pour out on us the rich and lavish nourishment of the Holy Scriptures. If you won’t hear His voice, this principle will kick in (Hebrews 3:8) and you will harden your heart. Then you will make the withdrawals yourself from your lifespan bank and use your days for reckless spending when they could have been wise investments, which could have brought you rich dividends.
One of the best things we can ever do is to learn to listen to God. Listen to the precious voice of the Good Shepherd (John 10:4) in times of confusion, need, difficulty and in times of longing heart-hunger to be closer to Him,
This day (Proverbs 7:14) I have paid my vows. Have you made commitments and promises to God but somehow they got lost and forgotten? When the will is surrendered to God there is no more struggle. The battle is over. Your choice will always be for God’s will, God’s way, God’s timing and God’s glory.
In the very day (Psalms 138:1-3) I called, You heard me and exalted Your Word above Your Name. (Dr. Stanley) “God’s promises are magnified to me, made real to me, above all the attributes of His name”. If we trust and rest confidently in the Promiser we can stand securely on His promises.
In the day (Genesis 2:17) you eat you will die. Never add to God’s Words, never listen to a preacher or teacher who does, or you will set yourself up to be deceived. There will be (2 Timothy 3:5, 2 Corinthians 11:13, 2 Peter 2:1, 1 John 4:1) many false teachers, false preachers, false apostles. Learn only from those who declare the authority of Scripture. Eve said (Genesis 3:3) God told us not to eat nor touch it. God didn’t mention the word TOUCH. By adding her own words did Eve set herself up to be more susceptible to listen to one who twisted, rejected and contradicted God’s Word? Be warned. Refuse all religious information, teaching or doctrine for which there is not chapter and verse in the Bible.
This day (Deuteronomy 11:26) I set before you a blessing and a curse. The Israelites had a free will to choose and their hasty mindless choice screams out over the centuries how wrongly they chose and the tragic consequences. Consequences is a word satan tries to block from our minds. He is always ready with attractive, seducing lies, such as - - come on, eat it - - it won’t hurt you, you won’t die. Humans have been dying ever since he spoke his false words. We need to listen to God, surrender our wills to God and immerse ourselves in the word of God.
On the day (1 Peter 2:9-12) when God looks upon us, the ones He has called out of darkness into His marvellous light, to see how much we have allowed Him to equip us, to work in and through us to fulfill His purpose and how clearly we represent Him to His glory. Are we ready (2 Corinthians 5:10) for inspection? Actually my lifespan bank account is a joint account with the Lord and only He knows the balance in the account.
Days – days – one day at a time, so many days and so much in each individual day. How many days? Until the last day when God makes the final withdrawal from the bank and my lifespan bank closes my account.
Religion is not your friend, it is conceived by humans and depends on self-effort. Christianity is the Life of God displayed in and through us as He imparts to us the very characteristics of God.
When will that be? For us who are truly born again believers, will be (Song of Solomon 4:6) until the day breaks and the shadows flee away. Behold (Song of Solomon 2:8) He comes leaping upon the mountains and bounding over the hills, (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17) our Bridegroom eagerly coming for His Bride.
Join me, say it with me (Revelation 22:20)