Another year has dawned ..... the closing year of this century. What fills our hearts as we survey our troubled world?
Y2K has many pushing the panic button and alarming us with horror-filled possibilities which may affect every area of our lives; while others trivialize the matter beyond reason.
What does job security mean any more? Is there a safe bag for our money? The financial experts differ drastically in their predictions.
Never has man's inhumanity to man reached such wide-spread and brutal proportions.
Never have righteousness and morality been so viciously attacked.
Nature's elements have gone wild and who knows where the next rampage will break out?
The world's leaders are tediously long on talk but conspicuously short on solutions. The great thinkers of our day envision a grim future. Ugly greed, increasing famine, mindless violence, unprecedented cruelty, chaos .....
As we stand at the gate of a year we must enter, will FEAR take our hearts captive? What can we take with us as we step into this year? Is there a provision for body, soul and spirit?
(Psalms 16:5,9 - Amplified) The Lord is my chosen and assigned portion, my cup; YOU hold and maintain my lot. Therefore my heart is glad, and my inner self rejoices; my body too shall rest and confidently dwell in safety.
If we are spared on this earth to close out this century, let's determine, in the midst of increasing corruption, to be known as the people who know their God, who stand firm, are strong, and do exploits for God (Daniel 11:32).
Meanwhile, look up and listen for the trumpet!
With love & prayers,