Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Posts from Meditations 2018
Frustrating circumstances -- Yes many! -- Frustrated? -- No 1??1
Frustration usually leads us to blame others.
The Lord dropped a thought into my mind and then the pressure be...
Gather up the fragments
Why - - who wants fragments? God does. When Jesus fed the 5000 plus, He told the disciples (John 6:12) to gather up the fragments. ...
Get behind me satan or get behind me Jesus
A couple of weeks ago a thought dropped into my mind concerning 2 major events in the Bible....
God! That's not fair!
Have you ever said that, thought that or in your secret heart accused God of injustice? Broken hearted Jeremiah certainly did but not se...
How is your disposition?
Oswald Chambers has been in heaven for years but he has long been one of my cherished mentors through his books. As I meditate on his godly wisd...
How much do we value and how often do we exercise this crowning gift?
I must admit that I have rather strange thoughts at weird times, but they always seem to lead...
Here and now -- Not bye and bye
I heard an appealing song with a catchy tune and sung by a quartet with good voices which blended beautifully. One part says:
We’ll talk it over...
Have you left time and for a while gone into eternity today?
I’m thinking about prayer and one verse keeps sounding in my mind. The immortal God dwells in light (1 Timo...
In deep sadness -- The joy of assurance
How could I speak of Joy? After nearly 71 years of marriage my husband left Planet Ea...
Insights and examples received during conversations with the Lord
I am always amazed and always grateful for the spiritual truths we cannot fully understand yet have n...
Jesus always God -- God not always Jesus
As we know deep within the core of our beings, the three Almighty Persons of the Triune Godhead, the Holy Trinity, a...
Jesus was amazed -- am I?
Do I sing lies before Almighty God when I sing Amazing Grace? Or how about when I sing –
I stand amazed in the Presence of J...
Joyous confidence in the prayer room
When you finish praying do you come away with glad confidence that every prayer will be answered? If not – why not? Of course, we all kn...
Judge not! Meaning what?
How can I live without judging? I judge the quality of food, the reliability of a vehicle, the safety of a neighbourhood at nig...
Magnificence and terror - yes - but also - gigantic responsibility
Some time ago I ...
No questions -- No complaints .. is such a life possible?
Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not. (Jeremiah 45:5). BUT thy life - I will give unto you as a prey wherever you go. What does ...
Of course you don't worry -- Do you?
Oswald Chambers: “One of God’s great DON’TS
KJV – Fret not thyself (Psalms 37:8) in any wise to do evil.
Our confidence and joy because of what God cannot do
What on earth am I saying? Isn’t God all-powerful? YES! Isn’t He the only Source of power? YES! ...
Foreknowledge or Predetermination
I recall quoting Spurgeon in another writing - - D...
How RAC came to be.
I have been a member of RAC since June 1964, in the Alliance all my life. Just a quick condensation of how RAC came to be. When I was a young child we att...
Rahab has something to tell you
She was utterly terrified. Why? She had a very profitable business (a brothel) and a good income. She had a family and, what some would call it, success. So why this...
This day - that day
I’m starting this day with Jesus,
I am wrapping myself in this wonderful day
And I’m giving this day back to Jesus.
Living this day – each moment this day
I’m living ...
The yoke equals rest - really?
Is that all there is in these Living Words spoken by the Living ...
The magnificence and terror of free will - The guaranteed consequence of almighty power
Still proudly trying to be humble?
Rejoice! Captivity is taken captive
What does that mean? Let us follow along the path, the sequence of events with our wonderf...
Why is prayer so boring? Why does my mind wander?
Why does God say you are when it is really not yet?
I the Lord have spoken it (EZK.17:24...
What is so great about the bible anyway? How does it differ from any great book?
What has Masada got to do with this?
What an I doing in the temple?
God began (PHLP.1:6) a good work in you and He will complete it. WHY? Christ in you (COL.1:27 your hope of realizing His glory in you. HOW COME?
- your...
What about all those "little" sins?
As I was getting up one morning in the very act of getting out of bed – the Holy Spirit brought a thought to my mind which reall...
Weed or diamond? Garbage or gold?
Let me think about that. If I am always putting myself down, with envious admiration for believers who “do things”, all the while cluttering up the Christian landscape with s...
Unutterable beauty
Triumph - Meaning - Earthquake
The touch of the master's hand
Thought it scarcely worth his while
To waste his time on the old violin,
But – he held it up with a smile.
Now who’ll start the bidding, folks, he cried
What ...