Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Posts from Meditations 2019
How do we qualify for the dividends of our insurance policy?
It was very early in the morning and, as usual, I was talking to the Lord about various things. I asked Him to give me a speci...
How can we show God's love to individuals we don't like?
I am not talking about prejudice against people of a different nationality or skin colour or religi...
God's timing - God's plan - unalterable
God's timing - always on time and always perfect
I am writing this paper because I met a man in the elevator. (explanation to follow).
I was cleaning my teeth early one morning when God s...
Grace that is greater - ?? -- Than what??
When we sing this line from a familiar hymn – “Grace that is greater than all my sin” – do we just think...
How can we qualify for God's supernatural gift and superlative privilege of POA?
How can we endure what we (definitely) cannot enjoy?
Listen to this beauty-filled verse (2 Thessalonians 3:16) from the amplifi...
If you hate not -- and your own life also
If you want to know what I was doing at the tim...
If you confess me - Do we regularly deny Jesus without realizing it
But don’t we usually think of such things in connection with brutal persecuti...
If Jesus had died too soon
If Christ be not raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:19) we are of all men most miserable.
What if Jesus ha...
Identification with the death of Jesus
Because I’m no longer able to attend chur...
I've had my B.A. for years and I'm still working on my P.H.D.
Pretty good for a high school drop-out who never went back to school – wouldn’t you say?
I don't believe God forgets my sins
And FAITH answers
There is NOBODY there!
That would terrify me. If God could forget something – He could forget anythin...
Poem - Jesus
I’m thinking just now of my Saviour,
Who died to redeem me from sin,
I know that I’ll always love Jesus.
And Thank God that His grace took me in.
Human? No - We are not fully human yet
I think for some of us there are many things in scripture which are so familiar, we forget to ponder – meditate – wonder on t...
In my Father's house
The seed thoughts for this paper came from my long-time mentor Oswald Chambers. But in my c...
Is God's underlying motive really jealousy and pride?
When Jesus said (Luke 14:26) that the cost of discipleship would cause having to hate our nearest and dearest in comparison to our love for Him, we und...
Judas - Apostle?
I don’t think I have fully grasped the huge scope and magnificence of free will. I...
Keeping in step with Jesus
Knowing God requires knowing GPD's word
Looks like a hopeless case
We all have individuals we pray for – some saved and s...
Parting thoughts -- Last words
designed to reflect His beauty,
destined for glory.
When we can’t understand, our first question usually is – why did God a...