Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Posts from Meditations 2020
Christmas Eve carol
I crooned a carol Christmas Eve,The night before that Day of DaysAnd sang in it of our reprieve From death and hell that jingle bell And holly boughs each year retellIn somber and euphoric...
From Bethlehem to pentecost
Bethlehem for us is when we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. We are the Bethlehem where the...
Do you recognize the signs? Are you a sign?
There are always signs in the night sky. There is a message in the mystery of moonlight. There is a display of knowledge in the loveliness of sparkl...
Circumstances and promises
The Lord of peace Himself (2 Thessalonians 3:16 Amplified) grant you the peace of His king...
Do we know and understand the "why" of our saviour?
Very – very – very familiar words – but they made a fresh deep impact on me. You know this command. You shall (Matthew 1:21) call His Name ...
Does entering into God's rest mean a "do nothing" for me?
When we are very tired and think of rest we often think of sleep and that means bed-time. Do we ...
Does Jesus have currency?
Of course we know that God created, maintains and owns everything but I am talking about something entirely different. What kind of currency does...
Emptied himself - Humbled himself
The anguish of the isolated black hole of loneliness – the agonizing abyss of desertion and abandonment – the horrific crushing, suffocati...
Eternal gold
I have understood and agreed with Dr. Tozer that all power is God’s power and He controls all power even though He has given t...
Forsaken - Why? -- and again? -- and again?
Will you join me once again in my time machine? Let us go back to Calvary. We arrive and kneel at the Cross. Strangely the shouting and mockin...
The Wonder of "For such a Time as this"
I’m reading again First Chronicles. I lightly skim and mostly skip the long lists of names. The first 9 chapters are genealogies and then there are lon...
Can Christians be mockers and scorners?
I was thinking about that person (Psalms 1:1) who walks in the counsel of the ungodly, stands in the path where sinners ...
Am I - are you - ever an offence to the Lord?
It is horrible to contemplate the possibility that we could be an offence, obstruction, hindrance t...
God's love is not fire insurance
God’s love can keep no one out of hell. Without holiness (Hebrews 12:14) no one will ...
Christians do not have a dual personality
Are we watching?
Oswald Chambers asked a question. Are we just watching for Jesus, for His Coming, but failing to...
Why did Jesus cry?
Come with me and we’ll follow Martha to her brother’s grave. She wants to show Jesus where Lazarus is buried. Jesus saw Mary and t...
Because of 2 adams there had to be a laying aside and a heartbreak for God
I think that Christians have no confusion about the Deity of Christ but we can be fuzzy about His complete, genuine ...
Blessings that corrupt
Some thoughts from Oswald Chambers were rattling around in ...
God robbed heaven
Do you remember that beautiful old hymn which can create such yearning in a sinking heart?
How can trials be more valuable than gold?
What was that? I heard someone objecting to the title – saying that trials and gold are not in the same category because trials are miserable, h...
Can it be?
Maybe like me you were born again several years ago. We know that Jesus died to pay for our sins and therefore we are forgiven, have eterna...
The cost of 3 words
When I went to my prayer chair in my p...
Did the alarm wake you, or are you still asleep?
Christian, do you know what time it is (Luke 12:56) or are you for just a little folding of the hands (Proverb...
Do you truly know where you really are?
As I’ve often said, I’m so thankful to the Lord for the godly saints of the past who continue to teach us. I ha...
Have I cleaned out my closet?
Some of these thoughts are based on a message from Dr. C. Stanle...
Broken Pieces, weeping and dancing
Jesus said to gather up the fragments and broken pieces so that nothing would be wasted (John 6:12).
Divorce or solid marriage?
What about our old sin nature?
Forever Christ enthroned in me,
For all my needs – whether huge or small,
Jesus is my ALL in all.
Like you, I've read this verse many times. Always I'm impressed by the selfless beauty of Jesus in being willing to forgive His vic...