Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Posts from Meditations 2021
Personal Choice
As Christians we are responsible for our choices. On the spur of the moment we can forget that all choices have consequences....
Life is not a piece of cake
Think about all the things that invade our lives every day. They can be unexpected – s...
Hippocrates known as the father of modern medicine, lived in the 4th century B.C. H...
To love or not to love
God so loved (John 3:16) the world.
Love not (1 John 2:15) the world.
Cynical - or - released form anxiety?
Why is it good to give thanks to the Lord? Because (Psalms 92, 105, 106, 107 and many more Scriptures) God says it is good. In everything (Thessalonians 5:18) give...
The tragedy of God
(Oswald Chambers) said “We need to brood on the tragedy of God”. So, join me in my time machine and we’ll go back yet again to Gethsemane. We will o...
The great Christmas connection
We need to take time to deeply consider all that it cost God so that He could (Mark 15:38) tear open the veil of the temple. No human could ever have done that....
Grumbler - Stoic - or Enlightened?
I find that there are many inevtables in my life and it is impossible for me to avoid them. I can resent them as a grumbler, always in a flap...
Don't skim or you will miss the purpose and lose the profit
Why can salvation by works, even the very best of works, never make it? Because we have our roots in Adam; we are sinners by birth. Therefore, our works are ...
Who owns me?
Just as I was beginning to pray for the Persecuted Church, these verses came to mind and brought an invasion of thoughts to me. I am (1 Corinth...
Holy to the Lord
The holy anointing oil (Exodus 30:31) with the rare and exquisite fragrance was holy to the Lord and was a symbol...
Fragrance that lasts
I am going to eavesdrop in a house in Bethany where a meal is being served and the guests are all men. ...
Are you sure that you are alive
Shocking conversations with people, who call themselves Christians promp...
Do you love yourself?
Do you love yourself? I think those words will make many Christians cringe. Many of us have thought that loving self...
What I learned from our apple trees
Years ago we had 2 apple trees in our backyard. The blossoms were beautiful and the apples were delicious and abundant. Year after year for dec...
Fast - slow - neutral - or fried bread
I don’t put much stock in dreams because we have the whole Word of God, the Bible. But I had a strange dream just before I...
Will we be able to visibly see God the Father in heaven?
I always thought we would not, but a few weeks ago, I was not even thinking along that line, when suddenly this statement from God penetrated my tho...
The Holy Spirit and the flesh
Many of us have or have had difficulty in grasping the experiential reality of this spiritual truth. Com...
Better than great sacrifice?
You can do nothing, no matter how costly, how tremendously sacrificial, even painful that is wor...
Today has begun
To-day, as every day, I get up early in the morning, but before I get out of bed I spend time in conversation with the Lord...
My alphabet continues to expand
A – And we know (Romans 8:28-29). We are responsible for what we know and what we could have known. Ignorance is no excuse if we have d...
That's nothing special! - Are you sure?
When God created Adam from (Genesis 2:7) the dust of the ground, that dust became glorious. When Adam fell and brought sin into the...
How did DUST become DIRT?
When God created Adam from (Genesis 2:7) the dust of the ground, that dust became glorious. When Adam fell and brought sin into the...
The change room
For us who are truly born again, the grave is just a change room where our dull old clothes will be discarded....
Do these words have a message for me?
Words – words – tons of words. We can get so weary of frivolous, meaningless, empty words that do nothing to improve the silence. Yet words ar...
Whose life is it anyway?
The eternal God (Deuteronomy 33:27) is my Refuge and He never was more truly my Refuge than...
What Kind of a witness am I?
Jesus said (Acts 1:8) you shall be my witnesses. What do I need in order to be a good witness? Must I have an impressive vo...
Our incomparable companion
Jesus declared (John 14:6) that He is Life and Truth and then He spoke of the Holy Spirit. What do we know about the Holy Spi...
Nothing can change God's mind
Nothing including prayer and fasting can change God’s mind. Because He is Omniscient, He never has a n...
Turn the other cheek - for what purpose?
If spiritual knowledge came from education (Acts 4:13) I would know nothing. Although the Lord has given good minds to ...
The Pride Pandemic
Originally, I wrote out these thoughts just for myself as I spend time in God’s Wo...
Horrible, terrible, shocking words - guilty Jesus
We know that our Sovereign God demanded a pure, holy, sinless human to be the atoning Sacrifice for humans, all of us, every one of us, the descendants of Adam - w...
God waits for our amen so he can say yes
Defaced, defunct and defeated
I am more and more filled with awe before God. When the Lord wants something written, He puts a th...
Are you abiding? If not - why not?
Recently I’ve been thinking about a very familiar portion of Scripture. Familiar, yes – but this Truth is so...
Jesu is the divine blueprint
(Dr. Swindoll) told of a beautiful incident in the life of Abraham Lincoln. “One day he w...
Why a second Adam?
The Man Christ Jesus, in His humanity, learned obedience (Hebrews 5:8) through the things He suffered. He had to learn the new experience of obedience in His new e...
If you - then I will
Our feelings must never be allowed to dictate or determine our attitudes and behaviour.
This statement came from a professor at Dallas Seminary many years ago. “God rarely explains Himself so stop...
I was there
Yesterday morning I touched a sunbeam which travelled 96 million miles straight to my bedroom floor to remind...
I have been crucified and yet - I am alive!
Many years and several decades ago I heard a message from Major Ian Thomas and the truth of that message changed my life. For years I had tried to live...
Wisdom for temptaion
If you are truly a ‘born again’ Christian, Satan can never damn your soul but he will const...
What does the cross mean to you?
I heard (Dr. Stanley) ask a question which lingered with me and triggered a flood of thoughts. His ques...
In the midst of chaos -- No fear
Dr. D. Jeremiah reported that – “More books written by atheists have appeared on the Best Seller Li...
Are we nurturing awe?
I heard that if we could travel at the speed of light it would take one second to reach the moon. To reach the edge of the universe, at the same light speed...
We can't faithfully keep in step unless we constantly keep in touch
I know I’ll never be a songwriter but sometimes my overflowing heart demands expression of worship in words. So, I wrote this little song.
Do we recognize the blessings Hidden in our handicaps and difficulties?
Do we have physical handicaps and other things which make our lives harder? Do we plead with God to fix them and give us ...
Into the heart of Jesus
Some time ago this thought came to me while I was praying and it was strongly re-enforced again in my mind on a more recent morning. It was - - ‘Because of the Resu...
Impossible to restore
Several months ago, I had only partial understanding of some verses I was reading (Hebrews 6:4-6) and I asked the Lord t...
Does your manna have worms?
The Israelites travelled for years without supplies but God never failed to meet their needs. The Lord rained down (Psalms 78:2...