Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Posts from Meditations 2022
Sinking under or walking on top?
Without faith (Hebrews 11:6) it is impossible to please God. Why? Because faith recognizes that God is the only Source and...
Does your salt still retain taste? Is your light unclouded and undimmed?
In a sermon (Dr. Stanley) said that “back in time salt was gathered from sea water and sometimes impurities would be mixe...
Whate'er befall - Jesus is my all in all
Do you remember this old chorus?
Following Jesus every day by day,
Nothing can harm me while He leads the ...
From Bethlehem to Pentecost
Bethlehem for us is when we receive Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. We are the Bethlehem where the...
God's word, the bible, is complete and final yet our world has ongoing revelations of God
The Word of God is (Psalms 119:89) forever settled in heaven, it stands firm and is complete and final....
Is God's grace really sufficient or do we misunderstand grace?
God said (2 Corinthians 12:9) My Grace is sufficient for you. Is it...
The law or the lamb? The judge or the justifier?
I was thinking about the Ark of the Covenant which was the symbol of God’s holy Presence. The overshadowing Cherubim (Exodus 25:10) represented God’s holiness. I was caught...
Why did God need Jesus?
If there had been no sin God would not have needed Jesus, because, we would not have needed a Redeemer. But our Omniscient God declared (Isaiah 48:3-5
Is your light always on?
Jesus said (Matthew 11:25) that God hides the ‘light of truth’ from the wise and prudent, the proud who think they know it all, but He reveals it to those wh...
Do you have a - say grace - habit?
Just before meals, do we casually mumble a few same old, often repeated words without much thought, but we feel better because we have “said Grace” as is our habit. G...
Don't judge it as unreasonable before you discover its protection
Does it seem unreasonable to you that Jesus said (Matthew 10:37) we cannot be His disciples if we love parents, spouse or even children, whi...
All things
What comes into your mind when you hear the two words ALL THINGS? We can explore as we take a trip of discovery. Hidden treasures wait for explorers.
Transforming Power
Gloriously enhanced!
Unbelieving Thomas (John 20:24-25) had made up his mind. His mind was fixed and he was determined in his unbelief. BUT – when he saw the nail-pierced risen Jesus standing bef...
When you fast
Jesus did not say (Matthew 6:16-18) if you fast, but when you fast. What is the purpose of fasting? We certainly cannot persuade God to change His mind and if we try to, it is ...
INHERITANCE! Does that make your eyes light up? You have an inheritance and God has an inheritance and they are vitally connected. Christians have an inheritance in Christ (1 Peter...
If being a christian was against the law,
My sin hammered the nails into the hands and feet of Jesus my Saviour on the Cross. How did He repay me? He made me innocent of all sin and prepa...
Fear or Faith - - Your choice
We are told (Isaiah 41:10) Do not look around in fear but look up in faith. Fear did not exist until (Genesis 3:16) sin introduced it to Adam. God has not given us (2 Timo...
What is that perfume?
The precious Name of Jesus (Song of Solomon 1:3) is like a costly fragrant perfume poured out so that the priceless fragrance is coming to me and then that lovely aroma through me to ...
From an old cracked pot
We have this treasure (2 Corinthians 4:7) the Divine Light of the Gospel in earthen vessels. What does that mean to me and especially now? Does it mean that bec...
Peter's question and God's answer
Some years ago Peter asked me a question. He asked me (2 Peter 3:11) what kind of a person I ought to be. His question brought me no peace or joy b...
Not I but Christ
We are told (Hebrews 12:1) to lay aside every weight and the sin which (James 3:2) so easily entangles us. We all have areas of v...
Faithfulness - Wisdom - Accomplishment
To partner with God (is that actually possible?) we need (Hebrews 10:36) wisdom, patient endurance and steadfastness. We read that (Th...
See - Hear - Response
Pain rivets us as we see the demon-crazed mob (Matthew 27:28-30) spitting in the face of Jesus, blindfolding Him...
The Original Plan
Although Adam sold me to be (Romans 7:14) under sin’s dominion in (Colossians 1:13) Satan’s kingdom of darkness, God’s O...
When will these things be?
Listen - - I just heard the disciples ask Jesus (Matthew 24:3, Acts 1:6) when would be the time and what would be the sign of His Coming t...
Under the shadow
If a Christian wants to be seen and known as a person to be admired, a person who receives compliments and praise, he will do nothing good (John 12:43) in secret. He will nev...
Will you? - Won't you?
Choose you this day (Joshua 24:15) whom you will serve. This is an appeal to the will. I cannot operate apart from my will. My will is me in act...
Perfection was not enough much wants more and loses all
The title of this meditation is the story of lust, sinful, selfish lusts, unbridled desires in opposition to the holy healthy God-given desires. T...
Do I grieve or do I judge?
I have been asking the Lord to take me deeper (Philippians 3:10) into the fellowship of His sufferings but of course I can’t share His suffering...
Crucifixion and a credit card
The true Christian life, the life which God imparts to us, is a crucified life. What does that mean? It means that my control, my ambitions, my self-c...
Did you sleep well?
It is obvious in these days that (Psalms 12:8) vileness is elevated and baseness is rated high. Do you stay awake at night worrying about wars, disasters, gun violence a...
Which is more important - your car or your soul?
Why is God pleased (Galatians 1:16) to reveal His Son in me? Because Jesus did always and only (John 8:29) the things that pleased God. So, if ...
Do you - can you claim the promises of God?
Are God’s promises all the same kind? (Dr. Stanley) points out that “God gave two types of promises, conditional and unconditional”. To Abraham (Genesis 12...
Ten Momentous Days
It seems strange to me that we hear little or nothing about the ascension of Jesus. I have never heard anyone preach a sermon on the Ascension. We hear much a...
If the clay is marred
When the Lord sent Jeremiah to the Potter’s house (Jeremiah 18:4) he observed (Charles Price) “that the clay was marred in the Potter’s hand but not by the Pot...
The identification of vital intercession
Think of all the things you have, could have or would like to have: vibrant physical health and strength, financial prosperity, loving ...
The contradiction we call salvation
Jesus could not die! But He did die!! Let’s take this slowly and see if we ...
That is beyond incredible
I was thinking about something I wrote previously in connection with the torn veil at the entrance to the Holy of Holies. I spent some time befor...
That I may know Him
How well do I know the Lord? How well do you know him? How much do we want – long – yearn (Philippians 3:8) to know Him? Have we ever weighed and st...
Holiness - Worship - Beauty
(OSWALD CHAMBERS) “Never separate God manifest in the flesh from the Son becoming sin. The Incarnation was for the purpose of redemption. The Cr...
Do you slander God?
For a Christian (Matthew 6:31-33) to worry is to slander God, not just about physical and material needs but also for vi...
Evil or Holy?
The same deed, same act can be both evil and/or holy at the same time depending on the motives of those involved. Peter said (Acts 3:15) to the religious leaders, you have kil...
Justification - Redemption - Renewal
Truly born-again Christians (Romans 5:1) are justified through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Years ago, in Sunday School, we were taught that justifica...
Conformed to the divine image
Jesus is the corn of wheat (John 12:24) and He was planted in death. He arose from the dead to be the FLOUR (2 Kings 4:41) whic...
Are you still enough to know?
God said (Psalms 46:10) “Be still and know that I AM God”. Are you still enough, long enough, often enough to know by daily experience that the great I AM is your God? Ther...
Confidence in worsening times
If you read Matthew 24, Luke 21 and the book of Revelation you will see that times are not going to improve and get better but will continu...
Have you opened your letter?
My times are exactly where I want them – in the hands (Psalms 31:15) of the Omniscient God. But how could I be sure of that if I seldom or never read my Bibl...
Jesus, the man for all people for each individual person
When God created Adam why did He make only one person? For some time there was only one human being in the whole world. Why? For a very impor...
What is abundant life?
What is the Life that Jesus came to give (John 10:10) in abundance, to the full, until it overflows? I believe it is the ful...
What is your style of reading the bible?
Do you read the Bible as a duty or only as an assignment to be completed in a specified time or casually and superficially? ...