Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Posts from Meditations 2023
How could holy God offer free grace to sinners? And remain holy and just
I was listening to a pastor on Christian radio who was talking about God’s Grace. Suddenly the Holy Spirit dropped this sentence into my mind. - - The Grace of God is measured by ...
Does eternity frighten you, puzzle you, unsettle you or encourage you?
I was just starting to pray for the Persecuted Church when this question invaded my thoughts. What is eternity (Isaiah 57:15) which God inhabits? Are y...
Jubilation or tribulation
Jesus, the Lamb of God is able to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29, Isaiah 53:6, 1 Peter 2:24) because the worthiness of the Lamb of God is far greater than all the combined sin of...
The good Shepherd's sheepfold or Satan's stronghold
You are living in one or the other of these. Do you know in which and...
Go quickly and tell
I had no idea of what to call this meditation but in a conversation with the Holy Spirit, He gave me the title.
A line from an old hymn - -
Beauty and bands
The prophet Zechariah shows us clearly and responsibly how vital it is for us to know and live Truth and to have the Truth of God’s Word (Co...
Prayer - why is it so vital and essential?
The true, genuine, heart prayer of a Christian who truly knows God is never a personal shopping ...
Another word for love in action is obedience
Jesus said (John 14:21) that if we love Him truly, we will obey Him promptly.
Let the shoreline go
If you stay too long in the shallow water that hugs the shoreline, you will soon be saying – I’m saved and going to heaven so I don’t need to know or do anything more. ...
The divine image
How was it possible (John 14:9) that everyone who had seen Jesus had seen the Father? We have to (Genesis 1:27) go back to the beginning when God created humans ...
How many mirrors are there?
The world has 2 mirrors which reflect the eternal Truth and the glory of God and the God of glory. One mirror is (2 Corinthians 3:18) the eternal Living Word of God, the Bible. T...
Foundation stones and building blocks
There is no doubt that my impaired sight, pain and weakness are getting worse but these are all temporary. My eternal riches are increasing and my path (Psalms 119:1...
Do we have these blessings?
Jesus said (Matthew 5:3-12) you are blessed – IF – you recognize your poverty and need and helplessness – you repent of your sin - you are self-controlled and pat...
The blood that made the difference
Who could count the numberless thousands of perfect unblemished animals that were slain on Jewish altars of sacrifice (Leviticus 7:38) for many ye...
How could God be and remain just and fair and yet justify me?
I am a descendent of fallen Adam and therefore I am a sinner from my birth. Throughout my life I have done many wrong things. Justice demands judgment. Man...
Only prayer that is heard becomes answered prayer
John tells us (1 John 5:15) that we know that God hears us, we also know that our prayer requests have been granted to us as our present ...
Do you side with Cain and choose Barabbas?
The first man God created in this world was the father of the first murderer in this world. Did this abort God’s original plan and purpose for t...
Have you been to Ziklag?
(Dr. Stanley) “David had to experience Ziklag before he was prepared to be the king of Israel”. ...
No darkness in light
The light of morning gradually dispels the darkness of the night. The morning light of our dawning new day, our new Life in Christ, conquers the darkness of sin and dethrones...
Was the shed blood and atoning death Jesus Christ only for the forgiveness of sin?
Jesus said “As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you show forth My death until I come.” During the Communion Service when I take int...
You can't bury a Christian
If someone told me that a Christian had died and would be buried in a few days, I would be puzzled, completely mystified. It is impossible to bury a person who is not...
Is God Testing or is Satan tempting?
In Satan’s vain attempt to tempt Jesus, he said He would give Him (MAT.4:8) all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would bow in ...
What kind of a legacy will we leave?
(Dr. Charles Stanley) “Your legacy is a reflection of your life.”
(Oswald Chambers) “Make a habit of enjoying the disagreeable. Remember what you are sa...
Are you dressed for battle?
We can never clothe our self in God’s protective armour apart from Jesus.
Our daily warfare is not against (Ephesians 6:11-18) physical opponents but against, the deceptive strategies of Satan and ...
Deserving or eligible?
I deserved nothing, I was deeply in debt and I had nothing. But now I am eligible for everything. How come? Through the precious shed Blood of Jesus and His...
Are you of two minds about anything?
In patience (Luke 21:19) acquire, win and come to possess the true life of your soul. This does not refer to the natural reasoning of the old life. (Oswa...
All loves excelling
(Abraham Lincoln) “No person is poor who has or has had a godly mother.” Many of us were richly blessed to learn from our mothers that God loves us with unconditional love. He w...
If God had taken the cup away
I was starting to pray for the Persecuted Church when the thoughts for this meditation came so heavily upon me that I had to postpone my prayers and start to write.
The reason why
To grasp holy God’s unutterable hatred for sin - meditate on Calvary. To grasp merciful God’s unconditional love for sinners – meditate on Calvary. Why the difference the...
What we know now and what we don't know yet
Some unconnected thoughts from Scripture were meandering through my mind, so I asked the Holy Spirit to flesh them out for me and enable me to write them....
The Bible Stands
Many years ago, we sang this chorus in Sunday School
Do you believe in God's absolute sovereignty?
Do you really, trust, genuinely believe in the absolute sovereignty of God? God said (Psalms 103:19) that His Sovereign Kingdom rules over all, and He ...
When good is bad and blessings a curse
We are told (1 Corinthians 10:31) when we eat, drink and whatever we do, to do all to the glory of God. Why does this verse specifically me...
What makes a Disciple different?
Join the disciples and me as we listen to Jesus. Soon Jesus will be leaving them to go back to heaven. But He said (John chapters14-18) that He woul...
All about dust
Robots go and do exactly as they have been programmed. God does not program the human beings, who inhabit the earth, whom He created. He gives each of us a free will ...
Do you hear the knocking at the door?
You often leave your home for your job or shopping and many other reasons. When you return home why don’t you knock at the door of your house? Because there is no reason fo...
Is Jesus Satisfied?
We are told (Isaiah 53:11) that He will see the fruit of the travail of His soul and be satisfied. God the Father was satisfied (Matthew 3:17) with all He saw in Jesus....
The Best Way to Get Even
If someone treats me very badly without reason or provocation for such treatment, this (Romans 12:20, Proverbs 25:21-22) sounds like a great way to g...
The First and the Last
When John saw the ascended Jesus in the magnificent glory of His power, authority and splendour, he did exactly what you and I would have done. He was so overwhelmed, overcome and transfixe...
Rejoice? Counted worthy?
God has instructed us (Hebrews 13:3) to pray for suffering believers in the Persecuted Church as if we were right there with them. In order to do that we must learn of the ...
All we need is L.T.O.
God has given us (2 Peter 1:4) exceedingly great and precious promises that He will provide everything we need for life and godliness, everything we need in order to obey Him. We demon...
Our greatest treasure
We are told that (Psalms 85:10) Mercy and Truth met together. That must have been an awful blow-up because the truth about me is that holy God could nev...
The daily investment of my life plan
We are told (Romans 12:1) to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. Why the body? Because (2 Corinthians 6:16) our body is the temple of God. Since He is...
Pride is a liar
Sin did not begin on earth in the Garden of Eden when Adam fell. Adam could not have fallen if sin had not had its beginning long before in heaven. Satan could not h...
The gift of suffering
Probably we don’t often think of suffering as being a gift but the Scripture reveals that it is for Christians. The Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus was (John 19:30) final...
Disciple or Deserter?
Of the many who accompanied Jesus, He knew (John 6:66) which of them were true disciples and who among them were pretenders, play-actors, hypocrites -- thos...
Are you counting or spending or investing your days?
I am very thankful for what I have learned and continue to learn about the holy privilege of prayer. The tremendous scope of its far-reaching power and the ...
I am still learning in the school of Prayer
I am very thankful for what I have learned and continue to learn about the holy privilege of prayer. The tremendous scope of its far-reaching power and the ...
What is Wrong with the World?
The people of the world still choose Barabbas (John 18:40) who was a thief. Why? Because their inflated egos deceive them into thinking that they are in charge...
Do you recognize the good Shepherd’s voice?
I heard something that made me realize more clearly how deplorable and offensive we are to God before the precious Blood and atoning death of Jesus made Him to be for...